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Your Fave Villian?

Started by the_darai, October 06, 2015, 10:15:12 PM

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Ok I finally have time for this.
Janga and Joka have always been my absolute favorite villains, either as a duo or on their own. Joka maybe a teeeensy bit more so in recent years. They're both like. Stupidly important to me, though.
Janga's probably self-explanatory, he's just a Super Good Villain in both design and characterization. Like dang.

Joka is like, I've seen mixed opinions on what his actual personality is? Probably because he's just a silly, admittedly incompetent underling in DtP. In games proceeding that he's lot more clever and conniving and tricky (even though it usually backfired on him in the end) and that's what I love about him. He's a lot more capable in those games (especially NxC). Adorable and flashy and charismatic, but snidely alluding to the fact that he has bigger plans. Which usually involve some sort of Ultimate Darkness™. So like, basically, my role model.

I don't think there are any (major) Klonoa villains that I actually dislike but KoS should at least get honorable mention.

I like A Lot of villains outside of Klonoa, too. I am the villains girl, it's me. I already rambled enough, though, so,


I should add that this isn't strictly a Klonoa villian thread but a general thread so feel free to talk about more villians


Wario and Waluigi.


Quote from: Girly Man on October 08, 2015, 01:57:48 PM
I should add that this isn't strictly a Klonoa villian thread but a general thread so feel free to talk about more villians



Whoops sorry that wasn't talking that was screaming


"Okay, so I was HIGHLY urged to post in this topic a short while ago, so...

My favorite villain...

Is myself.

Because I am just so dang cool."

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Geez I've got a lot. Most of them are depressed boohoo babbeez LOL.

I guess Akuma Homura would be my top favorite? I've got mixed feeling about her but since Kyubey was more of an aloof anti-hero and King of Sorrow is just more of a figure of sadness rather than one of evil, Homuhomu takes the cake.

Homura's always been very interesting to me. She went from being my favorite hero to this because of her actions hahah. They were really abusive. Knowing about what her more rational motives were though is what keeps my liking to her. But jesus, seeing her go from someone sweet to a mentally torn, love-crazed demon is nuts. Her fault btw and u can't stop me from thinkin' that.


Quote from: Girly Man on October 06, 2015, 10:15:12 PM

We're days into Villian Month and there is not a post regarding villians.

I, Dio, plan to change that! So villians! Name them! Tell me about them! Why you love/hate them so much!
It's truly 20x "Useless!" to mention Dio!

Since he's not really a true villain, but i had to,
I would say Stalker (from Warframe)

Because he's always trying to find nonsense excuses about killing random bosses so he can murder you and keep slaughtering everything, including your allies and any enemy in the whole game, and always appearing at worst times, and amazingly he's too OP he can kill you with one shot from his bow, Dread, or rather keep throwing knives at you (Despair) for effortless quick killing, or keep spamming his "YOUR POWERS ARE USELESS!" quote and hit you in the face with his "Slash Dash", or even forcing you to dance due of struggling to move as he keep hitting you with his Scythe and keep spinning it at you. (Hate)
(Also, he's staring at you...)


Easy, Skullmageddon from Double Dragon Neon.  My brother said it's like if Skeletor came out of retirement and did not take his job the least bit seriously. I would have to agree with him.
Note to self: Attend site more often.

rapappa the pepper

Ghadi!  :very_angry:

Yeah that's my favorite villain, despite being, well, rather generic, i love his design and how out of place it is in DtP compared to everything else, and, also his magic cape is cool.

Well, not a huge fan of Leorina or King of Sorrow, because, well they aren't really villains, and, i feel like the final boss fight in Lunatea's Veil was, weird and pathetic, would've been nice if Leorina was the final boss instead, right after King of Sorrow.
Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, i'm, i guess a general artist, 3D modeller, 2D traditional illustrator, and some times make music. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

If you want me to work on a project of yours, contact me? Well, idk, maybe if i like it...