Hello Everyone! First Off I'm new to the forums! Nice to meet you all! ^u^
As for how I know Klonoa. I discovered him when I saw the Demo of Lunatea's Veil on the Playstation 2 Demo Disc at a Wal-Mart. I don't remember what year was that, but I think it might have been the year it came out which is 2001 since I also remember seeing the GBA title later on that year too. At the time I had no idea what was his name or who was the one that developed the game, so I used to nickname him "Black Sonic" due to how his design, especially his eyes, reminded me a lot of Sonic, another franchise of which I am a huge loyal fan of. However it wasn't until MANY years later where I would eventually discover his name to be Klonoa, Thanks to finding a Livevideo Profile that someone was decorating with Klonoa Pictures and Whatnot, and the fact that he was a Namco Character, which shocked me back then because Klonoa did not seem like the type of character that Namco would have created.