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1st Annual Talent Show!

Started by the_darai, December 16, 2015, 07:22:17 PM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


Hey everyone! Sorry about the lack of updates and contests. Things happen like that when you work job that leaves you barely any time but to sleep. :S However! I am proud to announce the first ever talent show! It encompasses all of what the community has to offer, be it composing music, singing, drawing, poetry, short stories, you name it, it's included. This time I decided to do it around the middle of the month instead of the beginning because I figure that would alot more time for others (holiday break!) to be able to do things. It boils down to this:

  • The Talent Show starts Dec 16 to Feb 1
  • Can be any media you choose (video, audio, art, poetry, story, vocal story telling, live action, etc.)
  • Has to be YOUR own original content
  • Must be Klonoa themed of course
  • Let's keep it PG please
  • Crossovers and Original Characters (OCs) are acceptable
  • Anyone from the fan community may participate!
After which the winner will be decided on Feb 10, 2016.  The winner of course will have the option of winning prizes around $75 (or anything of their choosing as long as it's within the limits). If you have any questions, feel free to ask me (darai).

EDIT: The deadline is INDEED 11:59pm (or 23:59) EST, effectively ending at midnight at Feb 2. You have a little over 24 hours to get your entry in! IF by all means you need a little bit of time, PLEASE let me know. Thanks!
May the best person win!


Hmm, i really want to join...
Of course, i can only rely with my voice... :embarassed:

But i wonder,
If i win, how will i get the prize money? :unsure:

I don't have a credit card or at least, a bank account... :sad_face:

Maybe, i will use it for a long-term osu! supporter tag? :big_smile:


Sounds cool, maybe I'll make something small. :)


Hrmrmrmrmrm im so busy idk if i'll be able to enter
But knowing me i'll skip school for a week to draw a pic soooo-
Im in! :big_smile:


Oh wait.
Where should we post it?
Here, in this thread? :unsure:


Will the Talent Show only take place here on the forums or are there other sites too? :unsure:


I'll probably try something for this, but I can't really make any promises. I'm not that great at meeting deadlines, or anything really. Maybe I'll try singing, or playing something on my ocarina...  :unsure:
I registered in 2015 as part of a roleplaying game and proceeded to never do anything of importance. Oops?


Okay, scary earn investment statement wallet probably disappointed with something should know.  :|


I don't know how to make any of these things HHHNNNGGG


A friend and I are wanting to do something together, so I gots a few questions.

1. How do we send the file we've made to you?

2. How will it be shown once the entries are done?

3. How will the prizes be distributed to the winners?

4. If it is multiple people making one project for the talent show, will the prize need to be split between them?  And if so, how?

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!