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E3 2016 Impressions

Started by the_darai, June 13, 2016, 04:45:58 PM

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So E3 is upon us now. What are your thoughts on it? Things you're excited about? Things that are announced? Things you hope were announced? Things you were disappointed to see? Share your thoughts here.

Scroptels Gluzar

This was all i needed to see.

Let's see how it turns out, tsk, tsk, tsk.


Liked Crash. Liked Zelda. Kinda liked Spider-Man but that costume is just ugh. What was wrong with the original comic book costume? That white spider looks horrible.


"If Undertale is at E3 someone's gonna get smacked."
-The Twitch chatroom for the Nintendo E3 stream

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Whenever I think about E3 these days I become disappointed and frustrated with the games industry. I actually wonder if they are even trying to be AAA quality. Aside from the copypasta game sequels it's the presentation at E3 that kills me. I understand standing up in front of thousands of viewers can be hard but the speeches are terrible; they hardly sound rehearsed or heart-felt sincere. On top of the spotty speeches the demo gameplay players hardly seem proficient in the game they are playing; again in front of thousands of viewers but 'do you even aim bro?'. When it comes to buying product for my business or shaking hands to refer my clients to someone else, if they can't speak why should I expect them to know what they are doing? This person can't even take the time to prepare a speech that respects everyone's time. These presentations at E3 are usually great examples of how not to speak. Silence in speech is okay but if you are doing it often because you forgot a line it derails the flow of the speech thusly confusing and boring people. (Teleprompters are bad most of the time)

On a positive note I am intrigued by the new Zelda 'open world' gameplay. Zelder Scrolls could make for a great shift in how I perceive the notion of replaying a Zelda game. Being able to vividly remember the chronological order of each Zelda game really keeps me from playing them again; it's like watching a movie too recently. Aside from the new Zelda game I didn't even watch E3 this year.

I did watch a few trailers of games that interested me but I can already see the dirt the big companies forced the devs to push under the rug. They say the game is still in development or it's Alpha but when I think about it how many games come out looking far better than that E3 footage???? From my perspective the Main 3 are in transition to the next console and all the games they are pushing are just HD remakes or sequels to scrape the little extra cash before the next plunge.

For the last 3 years I only actually watched Nintendo for the hopes the Wii U would actually receive AAA titles but everything they are showing now is going to be on the new console...200+ days from now. The new Zelda game is going to be pushed off as a NX launch title even though it was intended for the Wii how Twilight Princess was intended for the Gamecube...Long term I don't know what Nintendo is going to do for the NX. Is it going to be another Wii U disaster where it launches with 2 games and dies before the next cash cow game releases? Think about it, they got Zelda, maybe a 'new' Mario game but what then? 10+ Months later the NX will have nothing but the e-shop and we may a year later see Spaltoon 2 or Mario Kart 9. I would honestly be shocked if a new Smash game released before the downturn of the NX. Unless Nintendo has some secret new amazing IP for the NX I can not imagine the NX doing better than the Wii U...and in all honesty there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Wii U hardware; it was poorly named and was a "new game desert" for more than 1 year before Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon took the stage.

I really hope Nintendo knows what they are doing with the NX. Another 'launch desert' is going to kill the NX like it did for the Wii U.


I'm having mixed emotions about it.
More towards the Crash Bandicoot thing.

It's great that he's been brought back (one less character on my list of videogame characters to be brought back), but the series is still fully owned by Activision. Which, can be thrown to any sub-company that'd butcher the remakes.

My fingers are crossed that it'll be given to Vivendi, who did a pretty good job on Twinsanity before they ended up merging with Activision.

Aside from that, I've never really felt interested in E3 as much as I did when I was a child. It's more about showing off graphics that the consoles can handle as well as the insane lighting effects. Next thing I know, next year there will be the Xbox Migraine. Quality so high, people will start having migraines.


Super excited for Breath of the Wild (Even though I don't have a Wii U or NX) :sad_face:


I like the Xbox everywhere thing,  possibly a good way to get some exclusives over to PC.  Still doesn't entice me to buy one though.

Breath of the Wild is amazing IMHO and I'm happy the game is going back to its roots.  It was one of the first games that pioneer open  world exploration, and I hated over time it became more linear especially recent games (save a link between worlds).  Pokemon didn't really excite me as much,  probably because I got burnt too many with the same plot and and how easy it is. Though I did like some of the updates that made it easier to understand,  or rather user friendly.

Sony did a great job this year and I believe they won this E3.  Still,  I don't want a console.

I'm sure I have more thoughts on it but these will suffice.