Sorry for the late-ish reply, y'all
I got the package!
It came early actually. The night before Easter.
Speaking of, hope y'all (those of you who celebrate) had a good Easter!
Anyways, the Namco X Capcom Art/Guide book is in perfect condition.
Looks like it was hardly, if ever, used.
The artwork for Klonoa is stuff I have seen online before.
But there is some Gantz/Guntz artwork I haven't personally seen.
As for scans, I'll see what I can do.
I naively thought it wouldn't be that many pages.
But it's something like three-hundred something.
I will still do the scans when I can, but given the current panic happening and especially considering I work in a grocery store I will be pretty busy most of the week.
But considering how quickly scans can go it shouldn't be too long before we have a full digital copy of NxC's guide book online.