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What is the best thing about each Klonoa game?

Started by rapappa the pepper, June 20, 2023, 09:39:01 PM

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rapappa the pepper

It's simple, you tell only 1 thing YOU think is the best thing about each Klonoa game!  ;)
Yes, that's, all i can write here really.  :embarassed:
Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, i'm i guess a general artist, 3D modeller, 2D traditional illustrator, and some times make music. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

If you want me to work on a project of yours, please contact me!


The storylines of course! As a fellow writer I adore how well put together they are with a simple but thorough narrative (if that makes any sense) they can leave a powerful emotional impact to the player. This is true for the main games at least (I've not played the handheld games yet!)
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho

rapappa the pepper

I said you can only say ONE thing about EACH Klonoa game, that is the best of EACH game, not one thing that is best for ALL games.
Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, i'm i guess a general artist, 3D modeller, 2D traditional illustrator, and some times make music. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

If you want me to work on a project of yours, please contact me!


Quote from: rapappa the pepper on June 21, 2023, 12:30:12 PM
I said you can only say ONE thing about EACH Klonoa game, that is the best of EACH game, not one thing that is best for ALL games.

Huh. Well there's a myriad of things I like about the two games, but if we're going one thing in specific for each. I'm picking entire levels for this one.

Klonoa: Door To Phantomile - Vision 5-2 "Between Light and Darkness"

I like this level because it pulls a trick under it's sleeve, the eclipse mechanic. As you may know, each 8 seconds or so the entire stage alters from light to dark and viseversa, this also converts all enemies into "Eclipses". The wind bullet in incapable of catching any of them so it is quite a significant twist to the flow of the game in my opinion.

Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - Maze of Memories

For one I absolutely adore the whole abstract visuals aesthetic of this one, this may in fact be the most "Klonoa" looking level ever done from that perspective, if you get what I mean. Massive respect towards the people behind the art direction. The level probably has some of the more elaborate puzzles, though not the hardest ones, at least to me it strikes a perfect challenge. It has this cool gravity shifting mechanic that adds to the fun of solving said puzzles, and let me tell ya, it was quite a trip and a half with all the laughs me and some friends had playing this for the first time. What a wonderful piece of genius level design.

That's all I got, sorry as I mentioned I've not played the other Klonoa games yet!

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho

ThatGuy70 (Mikey)

To briefly touch on all the games I'm familiar with, since I don't have the attention span to write in detail about all the games (yet~):

Door to Phantomile: The ending.

Moonlight Museum: The art.

Lunatea's Veil: The ending.

Empire of Dreams: burger/carrot moment.

Dream Champ Tournament: Uuuuuuuuh..... Closest thing to Klonoa in smash. Yeah..

Beach Volleyball: cute Australian English dubs that are way better than Wiimake's.

Heroes: Pango.

Wiimake: The graphics.

PR Door to Phantomile: Short gremlin Klonoa model fix

PR Lunatea's Veil: graphics overhaul actually looks gorgeous for the most part... minus the character models.

Klonoa 3: i The fact it exists. It exists, it totally exists believe me bro.  :drowned:


DtP: The artstyle.

L'sV: Gameplay.

MM: World Ex.

EoD: The bossfights.

DCT: the Plot.

Wiimake: Bonus levels that DtP didn't have.

BV: Aehm.... :unsure: Klonoa's smile.

PRS: I haven't really played this one, eh harder difficulty.

Heroes: The story.


i like cheese

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