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Who made the UHKC 2015 logo? (Random question)

Started by rapappa the pepper, May 18, 2024, 09:01:02 PM

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rapappa the pepper

Very random question.  :embarassed: It feels as if it isn't for anything but curiosity.
In 2015 the logo of the site changed to a less amateur looking one, as well as having the interface overhauled.
Any one noticed how the Pac-Man on the hat was flipped?  :bad_straight_face: Whatever, the title. Well, who did it?
Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, i'm i guess a general artist, 3D modeller, 2D traditional illustrator, and some times make music. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

If you want me to work on a project of yours, please contact me!


rapappa the pepper

Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, i'm i guess a general artist, 3D modeller, 2D traditional illustrator, and some times make music. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

If you want me to work on a project of yours, please contact me!


I believe that one was made by @Aura24 I might be wrong because that was the logo before I joined. That was back in the 2013 I think, we were still hosted on now defunct zetaboards.