I don't want any returning characters, i'm, honestly tired of the existing characters, and i feel like, the fact that they do return makes the endings pointless.

And obviously these concepts you sent here are derivative of Lunatea's Veil... The game all care for, and, sorry but Klonoa isn't all about Lunatea's Veil...
The direction? Do something new, again, i feel like, Klonoa's greatest strength is in presentation and world building, but the gameplay, while good, is nothing really that special and gets old (The Klonoa games are honestly not that replayable), and i wanted them to take swings, go beyond grab enemies and throw them, do like, what Kirby's Adventure did, where you just had to grab and shoot enemies previously, now each enemy has its own abilities. This is something i thought of Whispers of Wind having, but you don't "consume" the enemy per say, it's more-so every enemy that is thrown does something different or while you hold it does something different to your self.
Go crazy with the background and foreground mechanic, it's, honestly surprising the game that utilized it the most, was the very first one, Lunatea's Veil did have it, though not only did it not expand upon the idea, it, barely utilized it.

Take Tomba 1 to 2 as an example i guess on how it should be done.
Oh, and i would've liked it to go back to DtP's fast pace, more action oriented game, as i think every game since has, kinda put me to sleep at times.
I think Klonoa should be older this time, roughly his Wii's "age", and make it naturally evolve to be more about reaching adulthood, rather than, of course, yet another story about teenager and emotions.
As a whole though, most of the ideas for what i would've liked for a new Klonoa game, was in Whispers of Wind, but that, won't turn into a game... There is more to it that wasn't said for the game part though.