I've said it many a time on this forum; Lunatea's Veil was and is my favorite entry in the series with only a small part of the reason being it was the one I grew up with. The other being just how nuanced the game's story is even though it seems rather weird and, at times, vague.
There have always been two moments I always think back to from LV, but only one of which is relevant here.
The most significant being the cutscene that plays post-victory against Cursed Leorina.
I remember seeing the cutscene for the first time as a 5-7 year old and was caught off guard by the sudden but very brief stint of not-so-E-rated language from Leorina.
High school sophomore me would have that experience again with Empire of Dreams. In the intro cutscene to the last world of the game, even Klonoa himself swears albeit again very briefly.
The other, which at the time of first playing was unsettling being the approach toward, and end of, the Maze of Memories. The disembodied laughter, then the... that.
The cutscene showing Lolo's inner turmoil.
It still sticks in my mind all these years later, with the deep-seated fear of failure and lack of confidence being something that younger me related to.
In retrospect, I appreciate that Namco didn't water anything down for the audiences outside the US (much).