News: There are several cat-like creatures in series, but one is the best. (Tat, obviously.)

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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Started by Aura24, July 09, 2014, 04:59:34 PM

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Talk about the upcoming Pokemon game and remake of Ruby and Sapphire, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

With the introduction of new Mega forms for Kyogre and Groudon, and others including Mega Sceptile, Mega Swampert and Mega Sableye.

The return of Secret Bases, now called Super-Secret Bases and are customizable -

Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
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I think the thing I'm most exited for (and I'm sure more than a few people were clamoring for it) are the secret bases. They've pretty much kept them intact, added in all the cool improvements they introduced in the 4th gen, and brought in a slew of cool features, the most prominent of which is QR codes. It's definitely cool enough that you don't need cables for secret bases anymore- you can easily share them online, even outside the game! The only thing that bothered me was that I didn't read anywhere if you could still battle people in their bases- that was awesome.

As for other features, I'm totally looking forward to the epic remixes they'll put in this game, and NOT just the ones from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (remember how they remixed Groudon/Kyogre's battle theme for HeartGold/SoulSilver? I completely expect the same to happen with Dialga/Palkia and Giratina's battle themes).  other things I'm hoping for are Contests (or their equivalent replacement), diving, Emeralds Battle Frontier, expanded post-game (maybe they'd throw in the Sevii Islands?), MOAR LEGENDS, a rematch with Brendan/May   after Lilycove, A sweet 3D version of that EPIC Rayquaza cutscene from Emerald(even though it might not fit the story of Ruby/Sapphire, I hope they put it in somehow) and a lot of other stuff I'm probably forgetting.

Also, I really want mega Zangoose. :|

EDIT:By the by, Corocoro just announced Mega Metagross.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
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Yep, I know what I'm goona be using online. By the way, more news from Corocoro:

Apparently, the game will be using a pokedex similair in design to Ruby/Sapphire's, Pikachu gets new costumes; Madam Pikachu, Hard Rock Pikachu, Idol Pikachu, Doctor Pikachu, and Masked Pikachu(which are seemingly for contests, meaning contests are probably returning.) Also, Pokemon Amie is returning.

(also, not really related to the new games, but there's a japanese event that's giving away shiny Jirachi's, meaning shiny Jirachi can now be obtained legitimately.)

EDIT:This didn't exactly warrant a double post, but I just HAD to mention this:

A MUCH clearer picture of Mega Metagross. Also, it's ability is Tough Claws, and it has a greatly increased speed, with small increases to attack, defence, sp. attack, and sp. defence. Also, it actually has EIGHT arms. Who knew?

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
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First off- Mega Altaria! Mega Altaria gains the Dragon/Fairy typing, as well as the ability Pixilate.

And it seems the new megas aren't restricted to Hoenn pokemon. Here's Mega Lopunny, who's now Normal/Fighting type with the Scrappy Ability.

It also seems like changing Pikachu's clothes also gives him special clothes.  Pikachu Rock Star gets the move Meteor Mash, Pikachu Ph. D. knows Electric Terrain, Pikachu Pop Star knows Draining Kiss, Pikachu Belle knows Icicle Crash and Pikachu Libre knows Flying Press.

And don't worry, Salamence hasn't been left out of the fun. Mega Salamence is confirmed to have the ability aerilate.

There's a Contest Idol called Lucia who gives you special clothes for participating in Pokemon Contests.

And finally, SHINY MEGA METAGROSS. It appears you can get a shiny Beldum from an event, and the Beldum will be holding it's mega stone.

Some thoughts of my own? From top to bottom:

It's so fwuffy!; ...I have no words; Pikachu with Flying Press? Okay.; Salamence get's Talonflame's priority ability? Joy.; Yay, Clothes!; and there goes the value of my Shiny Metagross...But DANG, it looks epic.

(all information credit from Serebii.)

EDIT:Oh, it looks like there's an ounce more of information, mainly about contests.

Apparently, Feebas's evolution is gonna be contest-based again. Also, pokemon can mega evolve in contests, which boosts the Exite Meter and Appeal, but can only be perfrmed when the Exiteme Meter is filled.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


New video on the new Mega Evolutions and latest revealed features -

Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
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Well, this came out of everywhere, and I completely love it.

Mega Audino is Normal/Fairy and has the ability Healer, while Mega Slowbro has the ability Shell Armor.

I'm totally in love with Mega Audino. Mega Slowbro?...meh.

Also, I'd like to amend my earlier statement: I really want Mega Zangoose AND Mega Zoroark. :|

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


More new footage!

Also, the download file size is 1.8 GB. Plus, the shiny Beldum event runs from November 21st, 2014, to January 14, 2015.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).