Well, I love the Little Tail Bronx games! (Tail Concerto and Solatorobo!
I also love the Tony Hawk games, and I'm looking forward to getting Pro Skater 5 for Christmas! Even though I haven't heard much about it since it came out, combining that with Robomodo's (the new developers of the games) bad track record (Remember how awesome Tony Hawk Ride was? ... yeah, me neither.
), I'm assuming the game isn't great, but it's a new Tony Hawk game, and I have a tradition for getting the latest Tony Hawk game for Christmas, so it's mostly for old times sake!
Other games I love include Shenmue, the 007 & Perfect Dark games, Sunset Overdrive, the Killer Instinct games, the Banjo Kazooie games, WipEout, Outrun, almost any 90s Sega Arcade game and tonnes of wrestling games!