(if it helps, I'm still keeping it on the side to occasionally glance at until 9:00)
Anyway, A lot of weird moments...I think one that comes to mind is LITERALLY EVERY MOMENT ON HERE. It was weird how well FSR adapted to me using Sable, it was weird when I posted on the Last Poster Thread, it was weird when I had my first Poster thread Trolled by Rupurudu!, it was weird when I saw the Manga here before I registered, it was weird when I found out what kind of artist FSR was (I got used to it), it was weird when Shiroe uploaded that Klonoa Heroes "Translation" video, it was weird when I was asked to stare at Boohbahs for an entire hour...and I guess I did a lot of "self-imposed" weirdness on Sable quite a few times...mostly involving polymorphing and exploding him, and such...
...BUT...the number-one weirdest moment here on the forums?...When FinalSoraRiku drew NSFW artwork of my Lucario OC, Sable. Hey, you asked.
Now...Truth? or Dare?