I've been watching since early season 1. My bro told me to give it a try and ya, one episode led to another. If I had to rate the seasons it would be 1>4>3>2 (of course there are select episodes throughout each season that I would rate separately). During the last few months I was in my college town I actually started a
club on campus that still exists today (heck
it was even on tv though as a prop for a poor comedy skit). Anyways the club is throwing an end of the semester party on Friday night which I've rsvp'ed to

In all honesty however, the first few episodes of S5 will dictate if I continue watching...the show just isn't the same after S2.5ish (there's actually quite a bit of violence and negativity

I'm interested to see how S5 comes across though I'm not getting hyped. I really didn't expect Twilight's promotion to come so soon...neither did I anticipate the DBZ spinoff. Gently crossing my fingers that I can continue watching; it's the only tv show that I actually watch plus have interest in these days (need a show like SG1/Atlantis and Firefly again).
Even if I drop FiM during S5, I will remember it fondly. RD is best pony; nuff said.