Quote from: Daemyn on June 13, 2014, 08:59:04 PM
You're making me wish I had the confidence to actually draw these are nice.
I'll probably stick to messing around game textures until I feel like I can do more since that is where I have started.
Pfff... confidence to draw? I understand that sharing your work requires confidence but drawing?
Try picking up music being 18 years old. "Mom, I know this sounds a bit eccentric... But I'm going to spend all of my savings on music gear, since I decided that music is something I want to stick to for my entire life... *silence*" Than you start playing and you suck, because you just started, and everyone including neighbors and random people on the street can hear how much you suck... and things get even worse because it's summer and hot, and all the windows are open, so naturally your neighbors and people on the street have the pleasure to hear how much you suck even LOUDER. Seriously though, it might sound exaggerated, except it's NOT!