Since it was rare to find anyone who knew how to play the Pokemon card game (people just collected them, didn't battle them, which was the usual case) me and my sister would oft play it together because we were the only ones who knew how to play.
Then late in middle school Bakugan came out and everyone learned how to play that, so I remember I would play it in the library and I did decently well, though today I only have one of my original team, since one (my Pearl Haos Harpus nOOOO) was thrown away by a teacher and the other I believe was just lost. In addition the one original one I have was stolen from me and sold back to me

since they were magnetic it was stuck to my chair in history class and I didn't notice until it was too late, and because it was yet another Pearl Bakugan the price was upped because it was rarer. Yep those little guys have been on some adventures I'd say...

As for board games, I also had mouse trap as a child, but me and my sister would just set up the whole trap and then trigger it and not play the game itself