Okay, from this point on I'm just dropping the anonimity altogether. It was sorta pointless, relatively confusing, and all, so lets continue, shall we?
Quote from: Planetbox(You probably should have specified that my alternate self wasn't calling some random forumer an idiot, but instead referring to me, but whatever.)
Change your name to (censored forumer), and then push the Mage cloaked in blue down the well.
(Also, I've never played the first Final Fantasy, so there's no reason why I would know the classes. I wasn't even aware there were classes actually.)
Trust me when I say this, that one joke was the one deciding factor in dropping the anonimity. It just wouldn't work otherwise, even though I greatly implied the sameness of you and yourself in those posts. I was gonna answer that top bit on the single forum itself and omit the top part from other participating forums, but then that'd ruin the joke once again, which would be rather irresponible of me.
Anyways, you try changing your name (even though you think it's the best name ever) to (censored forumer), but you soon figure out that you can only change your screen name by PMing a mod about it first. Also, there's still that pesky charcter limit to worry about...
And whilst it'd certainly be tempting to push that Blue Red Mage down that well (if only for his ridiculous contradiction in clothing and Job Class), you still haven't checked out the controls.
Quote from: RyuzakiSince Ian might be being forced to do homework or something, you should sidequest a bit to become familiar with the controls and whatnot. They might've changed slightly since this is an online game.
Well, you try the arrow keys, so those definitely work. WASD also seem like plausible control options, though there's only one server you can immediately think of where using that with arrow keys available would be an option you're willing to go...but hey, you greatly prefer arrows anyday.
From the looks of it, Delete acts as a "cancel" button, and "Enter" as, well, an enter button. P opens up the menu, whilst Q...you have no idea what Q does, but it does make you do a little jig on the map. Will that prove useful to know?...probably not.
Also, since you finally figured out the controls, you walk over to where the Blue Red Mage is and push him down the well, him cursing you out as he falls in. He should be grateful: any seasoned explorer knows all too well that there's ALWAYS cool goodies at the bottom of wells. You wouldn't be surprised if he found a King Slime Crown down there.
Quote from: Xano2323Go talk to the blue-haired boy to obtain the tutorial for learn about Chocobo rearing.
I'll be honest, I though you said "breeding", but it is sorta the same thing...
Anyways, you head over to the blue-haired boy and, of course, ask about Chocobo breeding. You aren't entirely sure why you're bothering, you've tried desperately to avoid the situation whenever possible when Ian brings it up, but somehow the voices in your hear have convinced you otherwise.
QuoteCawlionXI [Cl] began pestering ChocoBlitz [CB]
Cl: Yo, dude.
Cl: Some voices in my head are telling me to ask you about Chocobo breeding.
Cl: Normally I wouldn't even give you the time of day over this sort of thing, but...
Cl: I have no idea what to do right now, and you're the only lead, completely vague or not, that I got.
Cl: So spill the beans.
CB: Gee, whiz! You actually WANT me to discuss with you the finess of breeding Chocobos?
Cl: Oh god
Cl: This was a terrible idea, wasn't it
CB: I wouldn't say so! In fact, it's important newcomers such as yourselves learn the intricacies of Chocobos as soon as they can! Otherwise, they might miss out on some SERIOUS benefits later on that no amount of grinding could resolve!
Cl: Oh.
Cl: I guess that sounds sorta promising.
Cl: I still think I have better things to do, but if I don't get this lecture from you, then I'll get it from Ian, and he's, like, probably a bigger nerd about this stuff than you are, so-
CB: Great! Let's begin!
CB: Though, I think the demonstration will probably go a bit smoother if I have a chart with me. Hang on...
CB posted file(s) in chat:

Cl: This is gonna take forever, isn't it.
CB: Nonsense! Now, where to begin...
CB: As you can see here, each Chocobo has it's own unique special properties, based on its hereditarial traits.
CB: Yellow Chocobo isn't anything too special, it's just a normal, everyday chocobo.
CB: Now, when you breed a yellow Chocobo with any other kind of Chocobo, it'll always end up with a Yellow chocobo, no exceptions. This usually happens with any kind of Chocobo, to be honest. But when you feed it a specific type of Gyashal Green during mating, it has a chance of producing a special kind of chocobo, in this case either a Green Chocobo, or a River Chocobo, depending on the Gyashal Green used.
CB: Green Chocobos are capable of traversing Mountains, whilst River Chocobos are capable of crossing rivers and small lakes. Green Chocobos are normally more sought out than River Chocobos due to how much handier their abilities are, and based on the practicality of their immediate offspring, but true aficionados such as myself seek to breed both of them for the much rarer chocobos down the breeding ladder.
CB: You see, when you breed two Green Chocobo, you might get a Purple Chocobo, which has the ability to fly! Of course, they can only take off from and land in forests, and they can't cross bodies of water. They also don't have their parent's ability to cross mountains.
CB: Breeding two River Chocobo gives you a Blue Choconbo, which is capable of crossing entire oceans! However, they can't cross rivers, and they can only cross from continent to continent via sandbars. Not sure why they can't cross rivers or lakes. Must be a freshwater thing.
CB: When you breed a Green Chocobo with a River Chocobo, that has the chance of producing a Red Chocobo! Now, they don't have the fancy abilities to fly or cross oceans, but they DO have the ability to cross both rivers and mountains. Truly, an explorer's best friend!
Cl: Huh. I think I have a friend who has a Red Chocobo.
CB: Well, your friend has good taste! But we're far from done here, y'know.
Cl: Le sigh.
CB: Continuing where we left off...
CB: When you breed a Red Chocobo with any kind of Chocobo, you'll sometimes get a White Chocobo! Though, they don't actually have any special abilities, they run at twice the speed of a normal Chocobo, plus, they're an important step in the Chocobo breeding process.
CB: When you breed a White Chocobo with a Blue Chocobo, you may get a Teal Chocobo! These guys are special for their ability to cross any body of water, be it lake, river, or ocean! And it doesn't hurt that they move fast like a white Chocobo, either, though it's only when they're walking on water.
CB: Breeding a white Chocobo with a Purple Chocobo gives you a Pink Chocobo! They, too, can fly, and they can fly incredibly fast, but they only move fast in the air.
CB: You can also choose to breed a Blue Chocobo with a Purple Chocobo, in order to get...a Black Chocobo! Much like the Red Chocobo before it, they can walk across rivers and climb mountains, as well as fly, but they can't cross large bodies of water.
CB: Now, these next few Chocobos are...a little different, namely in their traits being a bit different from the norm. When you breed a Teal Chocobo with a Black Chocobo, you'll end up with a Mint Chocobo! They...don't actually have any special abilities to note, BUT! They don't smell.
Cl: What.
CB: Well, you know how Chocobo normally have that awful stench?
Cl: Sure, I...guess?.
CB: Well, Mint Chocobos...don't!
Cl: Am I...usually supposed to smell something coming from my monitor, or-.
CB: Oh, you're using an AVATAR. Ah. Tis' both a blessing and a curse.
Cl: So I've thought.
CB: Well, I guess the Mint Chocobo's abilities don't directly matter to you, but they're still important for breeding purposes. Moving on...
CB: Breeding a Pink Chocobo with a Black Chocobo produces a Fuschia Chocobo! Now, those birds can go at up to 3 times the usual speed for a normal chocobo, but they're CRAZY HARD to keep under control! They can't cross rivers, mountains, or the like, but that's probably for the best. Who knows where you'd end up if they could?
CB: Finally, if you breed a Mint Chocobo with a Fuschia Chocobo, you'll get a Gold Chocobo! They can run at up to twice the speed of a normal Chocobo, cross rivers, mountains, and oceans, AND they can fly! They're the perfect Chocobo!...at least, next to the Platinum Chocobo the recent update brought into play, though that apparently requires the breeding of at least 40 other kinds of Cho-
Cl: Bye.
CB: B-but I haven't gotten into the kinds of Gyashel Greens you need to use, or hatching steps, or even Chocobo romance! You NEED to know when a relationship is Matesprit or Moi-
CawlionXI ceased pestering ChocoBlitz.
That was...more than you wanted to hear.
Quote from: DimitriCurses, my plot to inject Homestuck references into every fiber of this CYOA has been thwarted! Nice name anyway though.
Anyway, I suppose the first thing to do is to head to the weapons shop.
You decide to go to the Weapons Shop to purchase a weapon, preferrably a sword. You'll need something to defend yourself, should you again get ambushed by rabid Chocobo nerds.

As you
walk into the building, you are immediately greeted by the sight of a Gallade store clerk. Pokemon have just as much of a right to manage a store as a human, of course, but you do find it odd any mon would take up such a mundane role. You do have to wonder how he manages items, though, what with a lack of opposable thumbs. And hands.
Wait a minute...behind the counter...is that...
IT IS.QuoteSmithGally: Hello, and welcome to-
CawlionXI: I want dat Swordchuck.
SG: Well, I-
SG: You know, it wasn't even for sale, some guy brought it in because his friend lobbed their head off with that thing.
SG: If it gets you to shut up, though, then I would be glad to just give it to you.
Cl: Yay.
After that
thankfully-short chatlogue casually short business exchange, you ponder your next course of action.
Quote from: KooparioHere goes! Find so--*Firaga'd*
Anyway, you'll have to find some others. A sword will only get you so far on its own. Try the green Black Mage, why not. Maybe he'll help?
I have no idea whom you're talking about here. "Black Mage" could be referring to the only Black Mage on-screen, but he isn't green. It could be the Bard, since he's green, but not particularly Mage-y. And there's the Green Dancer, who's certainly not a "he", but looks more like a Mage than the Bard. Either that, or you're talking about those nobles, OR using the term "green" to refer to the Black Mage as being new...

Using this argument amongst the voices in your head as a window of opportunity, you escape the stress of adventuring to watch that smexy green dancer from a closer distance.
QuoteCawlionXI: Why, hello there.
Cl: Any chance you...mind dancing for me?
Cl: Purely for educational purposes.
SambaMegido: Oh, certainly!
SM: It's no trouble at all.
SM: How's that?
Cl: ...Cute.
SM: Glad you liked it. Hopefully as ironically as humanely possible for your pig-headed-
Cl: Wait, before you call me out on anything, I actually do have something serious that could be discussed.
Cl: See, I'm incredibly new to this game, and I was hoping someone such as yourself, whom has experience as an...adept warrior could potentially be of use to me on a quest.
Cl: On your own merits.
Cl: And not solely because I, a man, asked you to.
Cl: Which would be wrong.
Cl: And sexist.
SM: ...That was possibly the most sexist thing I've heard all day.
SM: Do you instantly assume that JUST because I get offended by derogatory assumptions, that I'm some kind of feminist? News flash: not all women are two-dimensional!
Cl: So do you wanna help me beat up some monsters or what
SM: Sure, sounds like fun.
SambaMegido has joined your party!
Quote from: Ryuzaki
Well since you already know how to play, why not accept some sidequests while you're waiting for Ian?
Well, you figure you might as well undertake some sort of quest before you continue on your journey, right? Not like you have much of a journey to go on.

So, of course the most side-questy looking dude here must be that guy wearing that hood! He probs has something significant to say. Now that you're much closer too him than before (or rather, now that you're squinting at the pixels on your screen), you can see that he might have a red beak jettisoning out of his hood...or he has a really weird face, you can't really tell with this odd resolution.
QuoteCawlionXI: Hey, so...
Cl: Sidequest pls?
GreatScorch: Well, that was...abrupt?
GS: But since you asked, I do happen to be searching for some...things. Six, to be prescise.
GS: If, by chance, you should ever happen upon the Grand Finale, the Grand Diagonal, the Grand Spectral, the Grand Brachial, the Grand Chocolatier...and an Odd Keystone, then I would desire that you bring them to me.
Cl: Kay.
Odds are that sidequest shouldn't take too long to complete.
Also out of game you should tell Ian that you're ready to start playing and you're going to do some sidequests until he's ready.
Well, you probably could take the more pro-active approach in getting in touch with him. You try sending him a message over the game's PM system, though he doesn't seem to be on at the moment. You try sending a message over #Pun, though he doesn't seem to be on there, either. He did recently send you a memo, though, which you proceed to read:
Damnit all. Apparently my chocobo was recently deleted. Not even fainted, DELETED. Like, I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be a thing on any server I go on, and when I asked about it to a mod, he just...kicked me right off! I'm going back onto that server for answers, and I'll be damned if I leave without my Bobby Cornwell!...but first, dinner.Seems he left that about 10 or so minutes ago, so whatever happened, it was recent. You decide to leave him a message:
Ouch. That sucks. Anyways, I'm on the Final Fantasy server now, if you happen to go on that later. I'm in Fahren at the moment, managed to convince a sorta-but-not-really feminist dancer to tag along. I'm not sure how much that's going to help...oh! But I also got these sweet Swordchucks. So it's been pretty good today. So, see ya soon, I guess.Quote from: OshaliteX2Go talk to the Black Mage because we all know BM would be no fun if he was a silent protagonist.
Well, why not? It's quite apparent to you that he's the best-dressed dude in town, so clearly he has some greater importance to the plot.
Quote from: Vokadae
I'm a bit confused on how to go about this so edit as you need for the actual story.
"Vokadae stares deeply into the statue meditating on the visage and trace ephemeral energy of Bahamut.

He seems to be quite focused on that statue of Bahamut in the center of town, though he still turns towards you when you try to engage in conversation.
QuoteCawlionXI: Hey
Cl: Heeeeeeeey
Cl: Wanna join me on a quest?
Cl: We have a total babe with us
Cl: Who may or may not actually object to being called a babe
Vokadae: ...
The Black Mage silently but politely turns his attention back to the Bahamut Statue, still focusing on its energy. Is there perhaps something within that statue he sees, which nobody else in town can?
...You believe you may be starting to get what the mage may be onto, as an idea formulates within your thick thinkpan.
Quote from: SockOutTheWindowRide Bahamut Statue like a mechanical bull
Quote from: Xano2323Quote from: SockOutTheWindowRide Bahamut Statue like a mechanical bull
Then punch it in the snout to establish stupidity.

Quote from: Puzzle044Quote from: SockOutTheWindowRide Bahamut Statue like a mechanical bull
After that, jump on the dragoon and ask/demand for a ride to the clouds, while up there take a view of the world.
Well, that was fun, but you're bored now. That weird voice in your head gave you a pretty interesting suggestion, though, and it might be fun to ride a Dragoon like a mechanical bull. You creepily sneak up on the Dragoon, as he has a tender moment with the White Mage staring lovingly into his eyes...
QuoteRosalesca: Oh, Rich, you know I could just stare into those beautiful blue orbs of yours all day long...
RichIngot: A fact I am most aware of, milady, and something I could re-state two-fold for your lovely, glorious, sweet, precious hazelnut eyes...
Rl: Oh, Rich!
RI: Oh, Rosa...
RI: ..........
Rl: Why the long ellipsis?
RI: There's something I've been meaning to ask you...
RI: Ever since we first met on this server, two hours ago...I've fallen head-over heels for you.
RI: I simply don't know what I'd do without you in my life
RI: Which is why I have to ask...Rosa, will you ma-
Spurred on by your sudden advance, the Dragoon jumps high into the sky, with you tagging along for the ride.

While you don't exactly get a good view of the ENTIRE WORLD, you do get a good look at the immediate vicinity of the world map. Seems there's Fahren, next to a crescent-shaped lake of some sort. On the northern end of the lake is a shrine of some sort, whilst the southern end has some sort of cave. There's a river between the cave and Fahren, and you can't tell how far the river goes, so unless you have access to a River, Red, Teal, Black, or Gold Chocobo, you might not be getting there anytime soon.
Quote from: LenrapLeave and go grind until you hit the level cap
As this mysterious voice speaks its peace, you crash down
outside of the town, having been shaken off by that dragoon. Odds are, neither he nor his Ingot Digger will join your party anytime soon. But you do have two others waiting for you near the town entrance, ready to go questing: that black mage, Vodakae, and the dancer, SambaMegido. That name might be a bit much for you to remember, so...maybe you'll just call her Megido. Maybe she won't mind? Or she'll mind a lot, who knows.
QuoteCl: Oh, hey
Cl: Were you two waiting here for me this entire time?
SM: Well, I was. More or less.
SM: I pre-occupied myself with another server on the side, though, so it's not like I was doing ABSOLUTELY nothing.
SM: As for this guy here, he sorta came out here just now, while you were flying around in the air like an idiot.
Vd: ...
Cl: Oh, good
Cl: I was kinda hoping he would come join us, actually
Cl: Just look at those robes
Cl: They just scream "plot importance", ya kno-
Sudenly, your party is
ambushed by enemies!
Goblin A: 10/10
Goblin B: 10/10
Flan: 15/15
Cawlion: 28/28
Megido: 18/18
Vodakae: 23/23
What shall your next course of action be, brave heroes?