I do apologize, but Sable-Xeno is currently unable to participate in villains month...
...For I, MARCUS MAXIMILLION COBBLER PROARCHEH, have taken ahold of his account. I believe somebody in my employ took control of this account some months ago- Nyeusi, was it? Hell, I took control of this account myself once before, around a few months ago. Well, while Nyeusi's stunt was most certainly for a day, I can gurantee you this shall last far, far, FAR longer. This account is linked to a being called Taire, whom has way more answers about my world then she lets on, and I intend to stay here until she spills them. Preferrably by the end of the month, because lets face it,as generally evil and no-do-goodery as I can be around the clock, dark and spoopy shenanigans tend to escalate near this time of year, and I'll be cursed if I don't cash in on it.
And since it's October, that means it's also Inktober. Which means I could probably sucker someone on here into drawing an aweesome OC I came up with yesterday! But, uh, it probably won't be anyone on here. Not to be demeaning to you guys, but...I want someone who really gets me to draw my vision of perfection, and of course most of you have never once met me. *sigh*...It's hard being the demonic embodiment of a virus birthed by a Zoroark and his mad desires to be more real than he is. It's hard being the demonic embodiment of a virus birthed by a Zoroark and his mad desires to be more real than he is and nobody understands.
Though, you mention these..."rules", so of course I'll be letting Xeno speak from this account when he feels free to (or from the shoutbox, as it's apparently a requirement at this stage of my plan), but...he has to speak in gold text. And you'll have no idea which of us is which. Hell, I could be Xeno right now, throwing everybody for a loop by RPing as one of my characters and pretending I took over my own account...but then, what if I'm not?
Alright, I've rambled on far longer than I intended. Enjoy your Villain's Month: it may very well be your last!...I kid, of course. At the rate my schemes are going, you're more liable to have at least 23 more Villain months after this one, and that's NOT under the assumption that you'd have one each year.