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Making a brighter tomorrow

Started by BinaryPulsar, January 20, 2016, 08:58:26 PM

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My eyes have been opened and I have been truly inspired, and I want to share that inspiration with you

why let the past bother you, when you should be looking forward to a beautiful future? why give up, when there's still a chance? why have doubt, when you can have hope? why cry, when you can smile? why be sad, when you can be happy? these are all questions everyone needs to ask themselves in order to truly see how they're feeling, so they can truly find a way to change, and they can truly love the world. if everyone in the world asked them self these simple questions, all the worlds problems would be solved. but most people are either consumed by greed or hatred. why hate... when you can love

use the power that's inside us all to charge forward through today's troubles, to make a newer, brighter tomorrow!


Now I'm curious as to what exactly sparked this thought. :unsure:

I need to apologize in advance. I know this is a bad time to crack a joke, but I couldn't resist putting this here!
You can blame Vinny...

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Regardless of my sense of humor, thanks for sharing your inspirational words with us! :embarassed:


Quote from: VikVanHazel on January 21, 2016, 12:48:52 AM
Now I'm curious as to what exactly sparked this thought. :unsure:

I need to apologize in advance. I know this is a bad time to crack a joke, but I couldn't resist putting this here!
You can blame Vinny...

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Regardless of my sense of humor, thanks for sharing your inspirational words with us! :embarassed:

well, it was the first 2 episodes of Fairy Tail Zero. how Mavis was so determined to reach her goal...and how she was able to forgive people who were so mean to her, it made me think... why do we even hate in the first place? it made me realize how dumb a thing like "hate" is. i know it's silly i got inspired from an anime, but it really did open up my eyes to things, and got me thinking. and this song
it inspired me. it makes me wonder why people do half the things they do. what is the physical or mental thing that drives "hate" and "greed" and why do we have it? i don't want it. i've completely gotten rid of these 2 things from my life, and it's honestly made me allot happier. call me crazy, i most likely am, but i want to keep charging through today's problems with a good attitude to get to tomorrow

and also omg that song though XDDDD


I don't know as much on greed other than there should be a certain sanity point where wanting too much at the expense of others is too much want. Sometimes it exists because of people trying to fill an emptiness or a need to subsist on something mentally.
I don't like a lot of business practices as well as shady forms of money lending e.t.c.

I do know about hate from some experiences though.

There are a lot of good reasons to want to get rid of hate or not let it consume you.

Hate is a strange if not almost like it's own living thing. It can make people hell bent on revenge and bringing others or the specific thing object person thing? being? misery. It has a lot of deceiving forms some are over extreme righteousness others are a desire to drag everything around into the same miserable state as the person hating. It can become obsessive uncontrollable thoughts like an addiction but I have difficulty explaining that in words.

Self hate is also a really dangerous form of it because like the rest of those kinds of hate it will become blinding it can also....short tl;dr version unless you want a really long rant "Kill you".

So yeah I see a lot of reasons just to not want to hate.

I was once told to hold on to my hate by someone but I prefer to keep it separated moved or changed because of seeing what it can do uncontrolled.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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This topic is extremely important for everyone. There are many transitions in life that can really beat down hard on the spirit of a person; particularly transitioning through schools then to the 'open' world. Keeping a positive outlook kept me going through school and has kept me going after.

I experienced a lot of difficulty moving from academics to the 'open' world. Friends disappeared, doors seemed to close and a lot of resumes never came back. You have to think positive even when you feel forced to be at the lowest low. Do not give up on things you deserve but also do not deny things you perceive as inferior but ultimately need.

Much of how the world is, is perception. Recognize a goal no matter how small and take the steps to get there even if they seem insignificant. You'd be surprised what a small conversation asking for Help can earn. Stay positive, meet positive people, connect with positive people and positive things will eventually happen. Take one step every day or every other day, ask for help, ask for friends and eventually you'll reach that better place you wished to have. People do know you exist, they really do, but if you never talk or respond you'll pass by lots of opportunities that were hidden. Currently in my life there are positive things happening for me that have been there but I never simply talked or asked. I felt trapped starting my own massage therapy business. I perceived no open opportunities and my phone calls and emails were not being returned. I eventually found business meetups nearby and went every week and asked and asked and talked and talked and finally I met someone who would love to partner their business with mine; I asked first. Furthermore a nurse I know is being appointed a seat on a committee and they do not have a massage therapist on staff "yet"; I've been talking with her for months.

Stay positive, be positive and positive people and positive things will happen. Happy people hang out with happy people.

The following two links are not aimed to push an agenda; I'm not converting anybody. The lyrics alone helped me through college and even more so my friends who were going through tough family issues; my friends weren't even bronies. The first made the biggest impact and the second is so true, absolutely true.


i have to say i'm truly touched my words sparked such wonderful replies. i agree with you all fully.
sure, we need all emotions to be balanced and keep our body, mind and soul in check, but it's dealing with those emotions in different ways that effect us.
i agree completely with needing to stay positive even during the worst times. i've seen too many people let depression overwhelm them, all because they didn't have the heart to stay positive.
just keep your goal in mind and remember why you're pursuing that goal, and remember that nothing, not even the world ending, can stop you from achieving that goal if you put your heart and soul into it! show the world that you're not gonna back down when they throw stones at you, show the world how strong of a spirit you have, show the world nothing they do will bring down your hope. if you do that, you'll truly inspire other people naturally just with your presence, and who knows you might even change the ways people think, just because of your actions. if people see you can stay positive even in hard times, it'll make them want to stay positive too.
what goes around comes around, i'd rather have happiness come around then anger or sadness.
so get out there and show them you ain't afraid of the world!


I can definitely say that greed and hate feed delusion, and delusion feeds into greed and hate. It's like a constant driving cycle of sorts. The questions you asked yourself bit back at all three of those and stopped or at least significantly slowed down that cycle. Doing something like that is a very powerful thing. I hope that more people can ask themselves those questions that you mentioned because that can get them to go, "Wait a second, what the heck have I been doing? Why am I even doing this?" Being able to get inspired like that can bring a lot of strength that's directed towards changing for the better.

Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us. It sparks up a nice topic ^^