i have to say i'm truly touched my words sparked such wonderful replies. i agree with you all fully.
sure, we need all emotions to be balanced and keep our body, mind and soul in check, but it's dealing with those emotions in different ways that effect us.
i agree completely with needing to stay positive even during the worst times. i've seen too many people let depression overwhelm them, all because they didn't have the heart to stay positive.
just keep your goal in mind and remember why you're pursuing that goal, and remember that nothing, not even the world ending, can stop you from achieving that goal if you put your heart and soul into it! show the world that you're not gonna back down when they throw stones at you, show the world how strong of a spirit you have, show the world nothing they do will bring down your hope. if you do that, you'll truly inspire other people naturally just with your presence, and who knows you might even change the ways people think, just because of your actions. if people see you can stay positive even in hard times, it'll make them want to stay positive too.
what goes around comes around, i'd rather have happiness come around then anger or sadness.
so get out there and show them you ain't afraid of the world!