You know, stuff that you need to be punched in the face for because everyone disagrees with you, or heck, maybe even agree with you, for example: "i never liked/played (
insert game here) because (
insert reason here)", "Everyone loves this (
song, character, weapon, level, etc...) but i don't because (reason)", etc...
I'll start:
I have yet to play any modern zelda games because i don't have money for the console or game needed/my laptop overheats in any emulators with 3D games.
I never got interested in majority of RPG's because i think they are too repetitive, tedious, grindy or boring, i want more games like earthbound/mother, i got into those.
RE5 is fun, local multiplayer, even better.
I never got into Pokemon, but considering that Pokemon is fairly popular in my school and Sun/Moon came out, i might buy Pokemon Moon... if only i wasn't 10 dollars short
I never liked the edgy characters, i can't stand the fact that they can be drama queens, or just too serious/boring, yet they can be fun to play.