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What would you improve about Klonoa Heroes?

Started by soupfistDEV, July 31, 2017, 10:16:21 PM

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To those who have played Heroes, what would you guys want to see the most out of a Klonoa Heroes remake?

Better cutscenes with translated script
9 (75%)
Improved balancing of the characters with more in-depth combat
6 (50%)
Smoother pacing of difficulty in levels
3 (25%)
Beautiful HD graphics
4 (33.3%)
Remixed soundtrack (possibly orchestrated?)
2 (16.7%)
Maybe something else? (i.e. more levels, more characters, multiplayer)
4 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 12


I was honestly just wondering this... :unsure:

If you guys ever had the chance to be in charge of Klonoa Heroes' development or even remake Heroes for the modern day, what would you honestly change in the game?

If you have never played or even seen Heroes, it's okay to not say anything.


hmm I might need to post more later as I ponder on it. Sorry if this is a bit random I am going to have to go through memory of playing

Actually that makes me want to play it again to get a better idea anyways. if I remember anything that drove me nuts in that game it's the post game Lunar base levels I have a strong loathing for those timers lol but that's mostly just a complaint.

I do think some weapons need rebalancing. paticularly the ring series and hammers series of weapons on Klonoa.
Also as much as I love the idea of that laser on gunts it's pretty awkward to use. I find my self going back to just his machine guns a lot ehhe.

the incredible length of the the Moon/Moo? Ruins in comparison to the earlier 2 ares I tend to find to be a bit jarring. like it is really really long out of nowhere @_@.

I want a hard mode yes something more nuts that post game Lunar base that had so many things going on in some places that the sprites would disappear off screen sometimes xD

Also I think the defense stat can be too easily neglected. you can theoretically survive on almost no defense by nomming an egg at the last second "I'm sorry Klonoa you probably hate eggs now :embarassed:"

I think a lot of visions could use some pacing alterations but again I think I will need to play the game again to get a good idea of where. In general some felt like filler though :x.

Also I think Pango should get placeable mines :D I mean he is slow anyways but setting up traps for enemies ahead of time could help counteract that by maybe D.O.T ing them to death in a large group or gathering them together in one place so you can switch to more offense based character or one with a special attack ready to take care of said mob.

Also I would actually Nerf Guntz's HP but that is due to his playstyle and rarely getting hit unless something powers it's way through his many bullets lol.

I really like this game and an alternate mode or just something that can change game balance around would be interesting. I like the story stuff too but idk a different way to tell it in a gba game unless you feel like trying to remake talking panels into actual in game cutscenes

I'll likely post more later I need to let my subconscious think on the rest.
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Make him an obnoxious, arrogant jerk that has no friends so that normal people fall in love with the Klonoa series.  :bad_straight_face:

But in all reality: I honestly don't know. I guess I'd make it so that a slightly bigger cut of the profit goes to me than it did to the old developer and to market it better a lot. I'd just let the other developers do their thing, since I have no clue how to make Klonoa any better than it is... well, except to add more cutscenes, collectible art, and story to it.
Cause Klonoa's art and story are way better than the gameplay, although that isn't too bad itself.
GO CHECK OUT thestadtpark of deviantart NOW, HE DREW THIS BEAUTIFUL ICON




I'm still re familiarizing my self with the game but the first immediate thing I wanted after loading my old save file is I want a bigger inventory for everything. I think for gba it was only limited due to memory issues but I am just guessing. That or having some kind of storage at Klonoa's for people who like to hoard equipables :3 like me.

Also a minor thing but the AI can get some pathing issues on specific situations xD
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I absolutely desire a minimap even if super minimal and shows only terrain shape and location :screaming:
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[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I know I am focusing too much on mechanics but the information might be useful for later.
Turns out Hornamoos can only aim directly north, northwest, west, southwest, south, southeast, east, northeast,
If I were good at drawing I would like to see pango doing the most epic dodges by sitting still and doing almost nothing at all  :big_smile:

Also I much more want [translation] over [game mechanics fixes balances and all that] I'm just more or less better at poking at game mechanics.
Also the scanlines and mild bloom are from reshade not part of the emulator. I was curious how the game would sort of look like on a CRT screen unfortunately this records like crap half the time.

Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Hmm I have a question are you and CyberAquarisu0107 both working on the same project or are these 2 separate Klonoa Heroes things going on ?
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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They are two completely separate projects, my friend. ;D

I'll just say that the project I'm working on is more ambitious.


I always thought an ARPG was an odd choice and wondered how it'd work as a 2.5D Platformer.

What I came up with was something similar to the GBA Games where you advance through worlds looking for Keys. Weapons were a gimmick that were used to complete puzzles with each weapon being introduced/primarily used in a particular world. You could use Phantom Beasts to " Charge " your weapon at the expense of an enemy not regenerating until you use your charge. You could hold and carry multiple charges which may be used to get past obstacles.

Klonoa and Guntz moved similarly, though Guntz was heavier which means he cannot jump as far, hover (he hovers by shooting downward with a Charge), and falls faster than Klonoa who is the fastest/lightest. Pango is slow, heavy, and mostly grounded but that comes with having the most HP (represented as Hearts) and surprisingly the best jump as he can use bombs to build momentum. The balance between them is that Guntz is best for gathering Charges, Klonoa is best at moving quickly, and Pango is best for destroying obstacles.

... but if it were to remain an ARPG with the same playstyle ...

- Better Cutscenes. The story is really why I keep coming back to Heroes and it's a pretty good one at that. I'd take either fully illustrated stills (the art style was really good in this) or maybe CGI cutscenes.

- Yes Minimap. I got around by using the Maze-Rule but it was slow going because I couldn't remember where I've been.

- I wish there was more of a reason to go into town than to unlock the next area. Perhaps we can go on missions for the villagers and they can reward us with items and accessories for our trouble. We're Heroes, after all.

- Yes for Game Re-balancing. Oddly, I felt that Klonoa was the weakest out of the three and mostly utilized his good screen-clearing Special in Tornado Attack, but maybe I was playing him wrong. He's fast but can't take even a moderate hit well.

I found the later worlds to be grindy which also killed the momentum a bit. Lunar Base in particular was rough if you were underleveled. Every room was a battle.


I'm gonna get this out of the way: Remastered soundtrack. Plain and simple. Songs from other games should be updated even by the respective games' standards, with better instrumentation and sound quality. (Imagine Balue's Tower with real saxophones. Well, not real saxophones, just more convincing saxophone sounds.) Also, everything should be hand drawn and fully animated. The character icons, the battlefield, the ending credits. Cutscenes could do the same thing as Shantae games do, only the characters could be more animated.