Hey all, I'm Amber, and have been enjoying the Klonoa franchise for about 8 years when I first played Door to Phantomile on my PSP when I was 16. Since then, I nabbed a copy of Lunatea's Veil, have messed about with the GBA titles, and also grabbed the Klonoa Wiimake, and briefly speedrun that version of the game on my Twitch livestream and had been working on a route for All Visions, a category where you rescue all of the Phantomilians in each stage, beat the game, and then complete the extra Vision that unlocks after that. It was something to do, and was super enjoyable. It's also a project I want to get back to.
I really love the classic design for Klonoa, and absolutely adore Baladium's Drive as my favorite track in any of the games. Aside from working and sleeping a ton (as I work overnights for a living

), I draw, write, game, and livestream occasionally in my spare time as my hobbies of choice.
I hope to get to know the community, and look forward to my time here!