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Other Contents you like to add on the upcoming Phantasy Reverie Series

Started by Randomizer, February 13, 2022, 07:12:46 AM

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Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series is the newest entry in the Klonoa franchise and we all know most of us are expecting some replayability. :smile2:

So, what other additional content would you like to add in the game? (e.g. Boss Rush, Time Trial, Challenge Mode, etc.) :unsure:


Time trials, challenge mode, how about an image gallery of some sort.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.

rapappa the pepper

Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, i'm i guess a general artist, 3D modeller, 2D traditional illustrator, and some times make music. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

If you want me to work on a project of yours, please contact me!


I'm honestly happy with what we've got, namely the return of cat-eyed Klonoa, but I'd like to see if they can bring back the original voice acting from the games (in the case of DtP, PS1, not Wiimake) instead of recording a new dialogue track.

And if they must make an international dub (I personally don't want one), I want Klonoa to be played by someone that does not make him sound like Sonic :sad_face:
She/her pronouns, please
  Discord: Timer & Balan#0514


I think this goes without saying, but they've gotta add a Music Player in the game(s), surely.

Also an image gallery would be nice too. And the Bosh Rush idea seems pretty awesome. :unsure:

I think I can conform with the stuff we're getting already, but, like Rapappa and Timer have said, I'd really miss the original voice acting from the previous games.


oooh, if they decide to remaster or remix all of the music for the DTP and LV remakes maybe a choice to play the non remixed/remastered music
Subarashii ~ mirai
Subarashii ~ jidai
Subarashii ~ kako
Subarashii ~ kuni
Subarashii ~ wa ~ ta ~ shi


Probably one or more original levels for DtP since that's something that the Wiimake lacked. It would be cool to make that game longer than 3 hours after all. 
Awaiting the return of our lord and savior Pac-Man


Boss rush! Also an actual hard mode that focuses on making the game harder by tweaking the AI and levels a good bit. Not through raw damage. Also more Tense puzzles and platform placement :p

Maybe a vision editor but I am asking too much their... then again steam version <_< HMMm

Cutscene editor because reasons and fun.

Lots and lots of fun cheats. I'm from the 90's games used to have those built in xD

Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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i talked about the idea of a map editor to someone before, you could just make it out 2d but in a 3d view just curve it around or etc  :O

Subarashii ~ mirai
Subarashii ~ jidai
Subarashii ~ kako
Subarashii ~ kuni
Subarashii ~ wa ~ ta ~ shi


Different playable segments (maybe flying levels instead of just in the cutscenes) and more rewards (including ones from Wiimake) like other games to make collecting 150 or more Dream Stones more worth for DtP

LV could take some ideas from Wiimake too but not sure what more
For his neutral special, he enters in a gun!