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Uncle Grandpa?

Started by the_darai, September 02, 2013, 09:06:38 PM

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Okay, so I watched that show that premiered tonight, and just let me say this, it was awful. I didn't mind the randomness of Adventure Time and Regular Show is okay. Even the World of Gumball has some charm to it, but Uncle Grandpa is just blatantly stupid.

I think I had a stroke watching it.


I knew it was going to be bad the instant I saw the pilot episode on Youtube back in 2009. I refuse to even watch one episode of the show. >_>

Spirit Macardi

I lost all faith in Cartoon Network the moment Megas XLR was canceled. So yeah... It's been quite a long while.


Everyone is talkin' about this show. Everyone is saying that it's *****. I guess I'm not going to take a look.

One Ringo

It seems that Cartoon Network is taking the quantity over quality approach lately, when it comes to adding new shows. Although I haven't seen it, the word seems to be that this show is garbage.


Quote from: "Spirit Macardi"I lost all faith in Cartoon Network the moment Megas XLR was canceled. So yeah... It's been quite a long while.
What is Megas XLR?

But yeah, it looks like this show is only going to get one season only.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Megas XLR is one of the best faux-anime style shows they had on CN

What makes you say that it'll only get one season?

Also, I hope they totally keep Steven Universe on board. That show is adorable and charming.


My friend absolutely loves Uncle Grandpa, but I think he's just attracted to how nasty it is, and... the name. I mean seriously, "uncle AND grandpa"? How in the world does that pass cartoon censors?


Quote from: "the_darai"

What makes you say that it'll only get one season?

How bad everyone is saying Uncle Grandpas is is what.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Knowing TV today, I doubt they really care what people think. CN makes money from all the other shows like Adventure Time and such, and that means they're just gonna keep milking it until it at least reaches season 4 (which is where most CN cartoons come to an end from what I've noticed)  -_-

But I've pretty much stopped watching TV altogether anyway, so I don't really care too much about this stuff  :(
It a me