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Skype Usernames

Started by MightyFan217, September 27, 2013, 12:52:36 PM

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So, I didn't see a topic for this already, so I figured I'd go ahead and start a topic here.

With that said, feel free to post your Skype usernames here so we can all find each other on Skype.

Mine: dragora.galaxia. Appears as MightyFan217 (Marty W. Mollohan) when added.

MOD EDIT: added names to top

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3DS Friend Code:
Note: PM me before asking for any meetings on Pokémon X/Y, ΩR/αS, Fantasy Life, or Super Smash Bros. for 3DS please.

Even if you're not a Digimon fan, sign this and SPREAD THE WORD!


I'm Kuro' the Panther on Skype.


Sure why not?

daraikenu on Skype. I change names a lot. You'll find me usually with a 'Dar' or 'rai' in my name somewhere.


My name should appear as Bryant Santiago :)
Quick note: I don't really have a mic, the best I have is a Rock Band mic (yes, I'm THAT cheap), and my bro's always using it for whatever reason
It a me


My Skype ID is


my name is the same as the ID

Spirit Macardi

I'm spiritmacardi on Skype, just like pretty much everywhere else x3


You'll find me under the id riskyshins


My usual nick, you can find me anywhere with this same nick so you don't even need to ask lol. Btw editing Bowser's post so that all names are saved up there (muh admin powers  :D )


Faerrum, or just look up okaydoge. Surely I'm the only one with that nickname hahah.


I'm bemuzzled on Skype. My real name should show up. I'm Enno V. ~_@