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Klonoa Engine

Started by S.Z., November 10, 2014, 08:25:17 PM

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And another Klonoa fangame project joins the ranks, or rather I'm still building the engine, I'm intending to make the finished release as close to GBA games as possible, so disregard the fact that the Wind Bullet acts as a dagger at the moment, it's simply a carryover of the old engine I'm using, I have quite a bit of work to do still, adding all the animation, fixing the speed of the animation, collision masks, aligning the animations correctly, adding other gameplay features, enemies etc.

Very early alpha .swf  build.

Current .swf Build:

Current Build of .exe Level Editor:

Here are the features intended for the finished release:
-Engine to match the gameplay physics and most of the features seen in Empire of Dreams
-A full fledged level editor so you can make your own Klonoa levels easily.
-Cutscene editor
-Ability to save your own Klonoa adventure as a mod file.
-Ability to make your game into a open world type game.
-Some sort of overworld system.
-Ability to load backgrounds and graphical skins for level tiles, so they look like proper platforms.
-A working engine with Flash and Windows Native .exe builds.
-A decent HUD

Features I'm looking into:
-In Game Boss Editor.
-Features from Dream Champ Tournament.
-Android version, programs compiled in the Android runtime tend to have severe performance issues, I have to see if I can get it running fast enough, so don't hold your breath.

Also I'm intending to pull off a little stunt and release a small game really soon, so I would appriciate to know if people are interested in helping me make it a reality, at the moment I only need to know, what people here can help me with or are interested to try to do, even if you don't end up contributing anything that makes the final cut you will get mentioned in the credits for atleast trying to
contribute something, be it graphics, levels, music or anythting really. I'll start bothering people when the game engine is finished enough that I can start making levels.



I'm working on a test level atm based on the older version of the engine you left on DA.
I'll leave the level or a video if I cannot transfer it here xD
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I can help out let me know what you want, I can write music at least
feel free to pm me or add on skype if you want easy communication


Can't get dxtory to hook into the editor nor will the preview work for some reason so no video  :( I just left the level here as an attachment.

I died a lot making that but it was fun :big_smile:
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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EDIT: Not now.


So glad to see that people are interested, for once there actually might have a chance that I finish what I have started on, it's so much easier to make stuff when people actually are interested
in seeing the end result.

Here is the current build:

The dagger script has been reworked so it functions roughly like the wind bullet, so you can pick up moos with it now. The double jump sort of works now (moo disappears instead of becoming a projectile, but I'm working on it.), but I have yet to add the animation for it, next build will feel more like a complete game, so it might take a few days before I get done adding all the features, and fixing the animations.

I will release the level editor for this engine with the next build, by then most features should at least be working (enemy respawning, floating, etc.), after that I'm going to rewrite the level editor so it will be possible to make levels that scroll in both directions.


hoping for a windows version of the level editor xD I had a glitch on the recent Alpha that idk how to recreate that made Klonoa's running animation go super fast.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I know what causes it don't worry, it will be fixed in the next build, I do appreciate that people let me know of bugs.

John Smith
