Hello every glorious soul on this forum. I would love to introduce myself.. Funny thing, I didn't know this forum had an introductory board

Anyways, I am what my username says, DreamyCheese. It was originally going to be DreamyMoonCheese, but it would've been too long for the name-length requirement.
I've known of Klonoa for a long, long time, probably ever since Klonoa 2 came out (I think I recall seeing gameplay and the box for it a couple of times) This was during the days of when we still had the Dreamcast and had a PS2 (I think) Then a couple of years pass by and I finally know who he is! But never bothered to play the games. Then more years pass by and currently now, I just played and beat Door to Phantomile days ago, and I really must say, I loved the game. I loved the creativity and cuteness of it. The only problems I had with it is the simplicity and shortness of it. The story is very sad and I was close to crying at the ending, and I normally don't cry to stories. It just touched me emotionally in a way I never felt touched by an ending, let alone story. As for the other Klonoa games, I haven't really played them, but will ASAP once and if I get them.
I can't express my love more for Klonoa. He is probably the cutest platformer character to ever have been made, if not, the cutest video game character ever made. Him having two styles is very unique, and both are very cute

He is also a very snazzy dresser in those two fields. As his games are very fun and addicting, my admire for the series evolves by every millisecond.
As for what I do and like, I am a collector and love to collect video games, vinyl records, and other memorabilia (Even useless newspapers) I have been on a hiatus for playing and collecting games (Mostly collecting) for almost 4 years, but it has ended just recently. I am a huge music freak, and love a lot of music, but music that most of which nobody knows. I am mostly into vintage experimental or art/prog rock from the 60s and 70s, classical, and jazz. My favorite bands are Can, Van Der Graaf Generator, Sparks, Kraftwerk, Neu!, The Who, Kinks, Beatles, Yes, Eno Genesis, King Crimson, and many, many. many, more. I may list them later if anyone's curious. I am also an experimental artist, in the fields of music and art in general, mostly coloring and effects. I have been on art block for long times and break out of it every once in a while. I've actually thought about game developing, I may do that in the future, but I don't think I'll have a main thing I do. I want to do a lot of things.
I really do hope to make friends on this forum. I've read other introductions and I'm kinda worried for writing mine. I must say, any fan of Klonoa is probably a friend of mine

(I hope, heehee

) I MAY write more about myself later as this forum goes on. As for now though, it's a pleasure to meet you all