Untamed Heart Klonoa Network

General => Fan Material => Fan Games => Topic started by: S.Z. on November 10, 2014, 08:25:17 PM

Title: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 10, 2014, 08:25:17 PM
And another Klonoa fangame project joins the ranks, or rather I'm still building the engine, I'm intending to make the finished release as close to GBA games as possible, so disregard the fact that the Wind Bullet acts as a dagger at the moment, it's simply a carryover of the old engine I'm using, I have quite a bit of work to do still, adding all the animation, fixing the speed of the animation, collision masks, aligning the animations correctly, adding other gameplay features, enemies etc.

Very early alpha .swf  build.

Current .swf Build:

Current Build of .exe Level Editor:

Here are the features intended for the finished release:
-Engine to match the gameplay physics and most of the features seen in Empire of Dreams
-A full fledged level editor so you can make your own Klonoa levels easily.
-Cutscene editor
-Ability to save your own Klonoa adventure as a mod file.
-Ability to make your game into a open world type game.
-Some sort of overworld system.
-Ability to load backgrounds and graphical skins for level tiles, so they look like proper platforms.
-A working engine with Flash and Windows Native .exe builds.
-A decent HUD

Features I'm looking into:
-In Game Boss Editor.
-Features from Dream Champ Tournament.
-Android version, programs compiled in the Android runtime tend to have severe performance issues, I have to see if I can get it running fast enough, so don't hold your breath.

Also I'm intending to pull off a little stunt and release a small game really soon, so I would appriciate to know if people are interested in helping me make it a reality, at the moment I only need to know, what people here can help me with or are interested to try to do, even if you don't end up contributing anything that makes the final cut you will get mentioned in the credits for atleast trying to
contribute something, be it graphics, levels, music or anythting really. I'll start bothering people when the game engine is finished enough that I can start making levels.

Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 11, 2014, 10:39:04 AM
I'm working on a test level atm based on the older version of the engine you left on DA.
I'll leave the level or a video if I cannot transfer it here xD
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: nub_hat on November 11, 2014, 10:56:40 AM
I can help out let me know what you want, I can write music at least
feel free to pm me or add on skype if you want easy communication
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 11, 2014, 12:48:59 PM
Can't get dxtory to hook into the editor nor will the preview work for some reason so no video  :( I just left the level here as an attachment.

I died a lot making that but it was fun :big_smile:
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: dummy on November 11, 2014, 12:57:02 PM

EDIT: Not now.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 12, 2014, 06:57:01 AM
So glad to see that people are interested, for once there actually might have a chance that I finish what I have started on, it's so much easier to make stuff when people actually are interested
in seeing the end result.

Here is the current build:

The dagger script has been reworked so it functions roughly like the wind bullet, so you can pick up moos with it now. The double jump sort of works now (moo disappears instead of becoming a projectile, but I'm working on it.), but I have yet to add the animation for it, next build will feel more like a complete game, so it might take a few days before I get done adding all the features, and fixing the animations.

I will release the level editor for this engine with the next build, by then most features should at least be working (enemy respawning, floating, etc.), after that I'm going to rewrite the level editor so it will be possible to make levels that scroll in both directions.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 12, 2014, 11:53:26 AM
hoping for a windows version of the level editor xD I had a glitch on the recent Alpha that idk how to recreate that made Klonoa's running animation go super fast.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 12, 2014, 02:59:17 PM
I know what causes it don't worry, it will be fixed in the next build, I do appreciate that people let me know of bugs.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: John Smith on November 13, 2014, 07:38:02 AM
Why not just use open source Godot http://www.godotengine.org/wp/
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: dummy on November 13, 2014, 07:53:50 AM
Quote from: John Smith on November 13, 2014, 07:38:02 AM
Why not just use open source Godot http://www.godotengine.org/wp/
I don't think S.Z. will use this.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: RollingMeowcat on November 13, 2014, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: ALOIYD on November 13, 2014, 07:53:50 AM
Quote from: John Smith on November 13, 2014, 07:38:02 AM
Why not just use open source Godot http://www.godotengine.org/wp/
I don't think S.Z. will use this.
Can't you be more constructive, ALOIYD?
You may say: "Why bother to use another general engine when you've already made one for side-scrolling action games?
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 13, 2014, 10:43:57 AM
Quote from: RollingMeowcat on November 13, 2014, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: ALOIYD on November 13, 2014, 07:53:50 AM
Quote from: John Smith on November 13, 2014, 07:38:02 AM
Why not just use open source Godot http://www.godotengine.org/wp/
I don't think S.Z. will use this.
Can't you be more constructive, ALOIYD?
You may say: "Why bother to use another general engine when you've already made one for side-scrolling action games?

Learning to code on another engine is a long process, I have been using the tools I'm using ATM for over a decade, sure I might learn to code with an engine that has better 3D support than the one I'm using ATM down the road, but since I can pretty much pull off anything I want to do with the tools I'm using now as long as I keep it 2D, I really have no need to learn a new language or new tools, and I have access to all the fancy effects I need via shaders and other scripts, but I tend not to use them since I'm not quite experienced with them, and I feel it's so easy going overboard with fancy effects with pretty nasty results so I tend not to use them since I'm no good at graphics design.

Besides, there is no reason to learn to drive a bulldozer, if all you gonna do with it is build a sandcastle.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 13, 2014, 03:22:43 PM
I wish you luck on your current engine I'm interested in the results. I don't see shaders helping a 2D game much anyways.
You could end up tossing in an option for a filter like Bilinear / 2xSAI or similar filters. Which to me are more just a user preference.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: radel1996 on November 14, 2014, 02:06:20 AM
Engine looks nice but need more upgrades how sound effect "Wahoo!" Before double jump and animation throwing.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 14, 2014, 03:59:54 AM
Quote from: radel1996 on November 14, 2014, 02:06:20 AM
Engine looks nice but need more upgrades how sound effect "Wahoo!" Before double jump and animation throwing.

That is kinda what I'm working on right now, missing animations, and abilities, I only have some of the sound effects, and they are quite crap quality-wise, I would be really happy if someone could provide a quality audio rip from the PS2 or Wii game, or PS1 for that matter.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: dummy on November 14, 2014, 04:41:29 AM
Quote from: S.Z. on November 14, 2014, 03:59:54 AM
Quote from: radel1996 on November 14, 2014, 02:06:20 AM
Engine looks nice but need more upgrades how sound effect "Wahoo!" Before double jump and animation throwing.

That is kinda what I'm working on right now, missing animations, and abilities, I only have some of the sound effects, and they are quite crap quality-wise, I would be really happy if someone could provide a quality audio rip from the PS2 or Wii game, or PS1 for that matter.
You want some audio rips? I think @Daemyn has some.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Sable-Xeno on November 14, 2014, 11:41:37 AM
Quote from: ALOIYD on November 14, 2014, 04:41:29 AM
Quote from: S.Z. on November 14, 2014, 03:59:54 AM
Quote from: radel1996 on November 14, 2014, 02:06:20 AM
Engine looks nice but need more upgrades how sound effect "Wahoo!" Before double jump and animation throwing.

That is kinda what I'm working on right now, missing animations, and abilities, I only have some of the sound effects, and they are quite crap quality-wise, I would be really happy if someone could provide a quality audio rip from the PS2 or Wii game, or PS1 for that matter.
You want some audio rips? I think @Daemyn has some.

I believe @FinalSoraRiku pulled some audio rips from the main series games, too, (notably Klonoa 2, Klonoa Wii, and mainly Klonoa's voice), if that's what you need to use.


(oh, and Final gives his regards, should you choose to use them.)
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: bemuzzled on November 14, 2014, 12:55:27 PM
Quote from: RollingMeowcat on November 13, 2014, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: ALOIYD on November 13, 2014, 07:53:50 AM
Quote from: John Smith on November 13, 2014, 07:38:02 AM
Why not just use open source Godot http://www.godotengine.org/wp/
I don't think S.Z. will use this.
Can't you be more constructive, ALOIYD?
You may say: "Why bother to use another general engine when you've already made one for side-scrolling action games?
ALOIYD didn't say this, Jon Smith did. Seriously, he won't shut up about open source stuff :|
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 15, 2014, 11:39:05 AM
Quote from: Sable-Xeno on November 14, 2014, 11:41:37 AM

I believe @FinalSoraRiku pulled some audio rips from the main series games, too, (notably Klonoa 2, Klonoa Wii, and mainly Klonoa's voice), if that's what you need to use.


(oh, and Final gives his regards, should you choose to use them.)

This is great, but I still need sound effects for items, impacts, floating, and throwing and such.

Here's a little something to show that I'm still making progress: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/e4d28fb7dad6b5cf1bf3610fe8c13193

There are still some tweaks to be made everywhere, but at least now he has all his abilities, don't mind the animation inaccuracies, I still need to manually implement animation speeds so they play correctly, soon you can all start making levels, and I will have my little legion of free beta testers, and then I can start to work on a more advanced level editor.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Sable-Xeno on November 15, 2014, 01:41:36 PM
Quote from: S.Z. on November 15, 2014, 11:39:05 AM
Quote from: Sable-Xeno on November 14, 2014, 11:41:37 AM

I believe @FinalSoraRiku pulled some audio rips from the main series games, too, (notably Klonoa 2, Klonoa Wii, and mainly Klonoa's voice), if that's what you need to use.


(oh, and Final gives his regards, should you choose to use them.)

This is great, but I still need sound effects for items, impacts, floating, and throwing and such.

Okay, well...good news! Final decided to do some more ripping for you. He'll be getting them off of the Wii Version, if that helps.

(And he wants to let you know that he doesn't remember what most of these sounds are, so they're not all named properly, but he did at least hint to what He thought they were. :u)
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 15, 2014, 01:52:29 PM
oh yay nice to see more of it coming together. Moos need a way to re spawn I think since if you die in the first area there is no way to get back up to the 2nd

I like how it is going so far :D I wonder if there is a way to make levels able to go vertically as well like in parts of the gba games.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 15, 2014, 02:06:42 PM
Quote from: Daemyn on November 15, 2014, 01:52:29 PM
oh yay nice to see more of it coming together. Moos need a way to re spawn I think since if you die in the first area there is no way to get back up to the 2nd

I like how it is going so far :D I wonder if there is a way to make levels able to go vertically as well like in parts of the gba games.

I mentioned in the first post of the thread that I intend to make the engine as identical to the Empire of Dreams as possible, for levels that scroll in both directions i have to rewrite the level editor, that is what I am going to do after I have programmed the enemies (with respawning), and when I'm finished programming Klonoa's movement, which is mostly done, but I still have to fine-tune everything, and add a few more animations.

Also there is a bug in the current build which causes the level to not restart when you die, it is because it is referring to code that does not exist in that build, sorry about that, you have to use refresh to restart the level.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Sable-Xeno on November 15, 2014, 02:12:11 PM
Okay, done. Final uploaded several sound effects from Klonoa Wii for your convenience.

Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 15, 2014, 02:25:48 PM
Quote from: Sable-Xeno on November 15, 2014, 01:41:36 PM
Quote from: S.Z. on November 15, 2014, 11:39:05 AM
Quote from: Sable-Xeno on November 14, 2014, 11:41:37 AM

I believe @FinalSoraRiku pulled some audio rips from the main series games, too, (notably Klonoa 2, Klonoa Wii, and mainly Klonoa's voice), if that's what you need to use.


(oh, and Final gives his regards, should you choose to use them.)

This is great, but I still need sound effects for items, impacts, floating, and throwing and such.

Okay, well...good news! Final decided to do some more ripping for you. He'll be getting them off of the Wii Version, if that helps.

(And he wants to let you know that he doesn't remember what most of these sounds are, so they're not all named properly, but he did at least hint to what He thought they were. :u)

Just noticed that I have the soundfile for the ear fluttering in the other library, that probably means that I have everything I need now, thanks a ton for all the help from everyone involved. I will give a heads up if there is anything else that I need.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 17, 2014, 08:49:24 AM
Good news everyone!

I figured I'd release the level editor in it's current form, note that I'm not finished coding most enemies, and I'm recycling a lot of the code, so some enemy object behavior can be wonky, enemy projectile collision detection is still handeled quite lazily too, and there are a few quirks in the platforming physics that I'm trying to stamp out, other than that if there are game breaking bugs, I'd like to hear about them.


You can change the controls in the File -> Player Menu.

Default Controls:

Space: Jump
Crtl: Wind Bullet

It would great if we found someplace to upload user created levels, as much fun as it is to see the levels you guys have made, I would rather not see this thread filled with them, it would be great if I could give a link to a directory where people upload their levels on the first post of the thread, anyone know a good place to use?
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: dummy on November 17, 2014, 08:52:17 AM
Quote from: S.Z. on November 17, 2014, 08:49:24 AM
Good news everyone!

I figured I'd release the level editor in it's current form, note that I'm not finished coding most enemies, and I'm recycling a lot of the code, so some enemy object behavior can be wonky, enemy projectile collision detection is still handeled quite lazily too, and there are a few quirks in the platforming physics that I'm trying to stamp out, other than that if there are game breaking bugs, I'd like to hear about them.


You can change the controls in the File -> Player Menu.

Default Controls:

Space: Jump
Crtl: Wind Bullet

It would great if we found someplace to upload user created levels, as much fun as it is to see the levels you guys have made, I would rather not see this thread filled with them, it would be great if I could give a link to a directory where people upload their levels on the first post of the thread.
Easy ; Make a new thread on Klonoa Fan Game board, and list all of them, and let it for the Mods to update it. ;)
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 17, 2014, 08:55:44 AM
Quote from: ALOIYD on November 17, 2014, 08:52:17 AM
Easy ; Make a new thread on Klonoa Fan Game board, and list all of them, and let it for the Mods to update it. ;)

That sounds reasonable enough, I'd like someone else do it though, as long as it contains a link to the first page on this thread it should be good enough to get people started, I'm kinda preoccupied making the engine.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: the_darai on November 17, 2014, 11:18:14 AM
First thing's first. I can allow for uploading material here and if your engine is completed I can put it up on the front page. ;)
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: radel1996 on November 17, 2014, 01:51:35 PM
Not bad so far  ;)
BTW you can write me help about enemy respawn?
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 17, 2014, 02:45:41 PM
Quote from: radel1996 on November 17, 2014, 01:51:35 PM
Not bad so far  ;)
BTW you can write me help about enemy respawn?

The way my engine handles that is by storing enemy original spawn X,Y, coordinates upon creation, as internal values of the enemy itself,  instead of destroying the enemy when it dies, it simply gets teleported back to the point of origin and hidden, then I create a portal animation at that point, when the animation finishes the enemy becomes visible again.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: radel1996 on November 17, 2014, 03:00:55 PM
Ok thanks  :)
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 17, 2014, 03:22:17 PM
Oh yiiss more testing !
I'm really happy to see this xD

I'll try to make some levels tonight I'm a bit busy atm.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 17, 2014, 09:30:51 PM
Klonoa's Jump height is not as high as normal enemies for the companion block as opposed to a normal enemy.
Dunno if that is supposed to be or not. it has been a while since I played a GBA Klonoa.

It will be a bit before I have a full level made since the rules have changed drastically.

Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 18, 2014, 04:59:43 AM
Quote from: Daemyn on November 17, 2014, 09:30:51 PM
Klonoa's Jump height is not as high as normal enemies for the companion block as opposed to a normal enemy.
Dunno if that is supposed to be or not. it has been a while since I played a GBA Klonoa.

It will be a bit before I have a full level made since the rules have changed drastically.


It's because the block becomes a platform and stops the jump when it's not grabbed, I'm not quite done programming everything yet.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 19, 2014, 08:55:34 PM
The next release, will quash a lot of the nasty bugs in the engine, the enemies and objects will also finally behave properly, as far as the map maker allows at the moment. Pattern movement and such functionality is planned but I have to do some additional work to get it working, also there will be a checkbox added so you can play your level vertically for testing purposes, it's a crudely programmed feature, so it won't carry over to the saved file, it will just alter how the level is read by the engine itself when checked. I will also make it so that the engine emulates EoD a lot more accurately, sans minor things like how fluttering works at the moment, I'm quite pleased with how it works right now, other than that, I will only do bug fixes for this program after the release.

So for the main part of this post, after this release, I'm going to split the project into two different stand alone programs.

-Klonoa Studio: The editor part of the program, where you make the levels itself, or rather your whole fangame, there will be a lot of added functionality, but my intention is to make the program as easy to use as possible, so I'm encouraging members that want to make a game but feel that they don't have what it takes to make their own fangame, to be guinea pigs for this project, unlike the editor at the moment, I want it to be intuitive enough so that as many as possible are able to use it to make something, so from the moment that the first version is released, feedback will be absolutely crucial, though it will be built with versatility in mind, so it should be able to do some impressive things too when in capable hands.

-Klonoa Player: The program that actually is able to play your level/finished game, will also be the program that, will load any file that is saved with Klonoa Studio, and execute it in a appropriate manner as long as it's applicable.

If there are some features you really want to see, you should mention it now, if I can take such stuff into consideration early, it will make it easier for me to plan ahead, I might not add them right away or at all, as I have a ton of things that I have already planned, but I still want to hear what you guys would want see in the future.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 19, 2014, 09:08:49 PM
I'm still working on my 2nd test level for version 0.1 but it makes use of glitch that may or may not need to be fixed xD so I'll try to show that.

If a newer version is out now I'll probably need to remake the level from start to end
I've been busy lately so I have not had much time hopefully by late tonight I can put it up.

I want bosses :O That much I do know I want so far xD and bouncing platforms but I'm sure you had that planned.

If I don't get to post the level in time for a new version here is a gif of a fun little glitch but that may stop working soon anyways xD


Edit: I found out how to make Klonoa become a vertical mag lev train xD
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 20, 2014, 04:57:42 AM
I find the way the companion blocks interact to be quite amusing, the program I'm using can be quite odd when it comes to what is internally called "object scoping", since how it usually handles things is kept very simple, with the downside being that it can be a little confusing to figure out what some code will actually do when you finally run the application, then again I can usually figure out how to force it to do things differently, so it's rarely a problem.

And the second picture, lol, this is why it is important that all collision boxes are properly aligned and the right size, one pixel can make a world of difference.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Rupurudu! on November 21, 2014, 07:03:39 PM
Quote from: S.Z. on November 17, 2014, 08:49:24 AM
Good news everyone!

I figured I'd release the level editor in it's current form, note that I'm not finished coding most enemies, and I'm recycling a lot of the code, so some enemy object behavior can be wonky, enemy projectile collision detection is still handeled quite lazily too, and there are a few quirks in the platforming physics that I'm trying to stamp out, other than that if there are game breaking bugs, I'd like to hear about them.


You can change the controls in the File -> Player Menu.

Default Controls:

Space: Jump
Crtl: Wind Bullet

It would great if we found someplace to upload user created levels, as much fun as it is to see the levels you guys have made, I would rather not see this thread filled with them, it would be great if I could give a link to a directory where people upload their levels on the first post of the thread, anyone know a good place to use?
Let users export their levels as text. (base64) Then you can open another topic for people to post their levels. (or we can open a category for you, if admins are okay with it.)

Also, I own klonoa.org and I can open a subdomain for you, If you need it.  ;D
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: dummy on November 21, 2014, 11:22:18 PM
Quote from: Rupurudu! on November 21, 2014, 07:03:39 PM
Quote from: S.Z. on November 17, 2014, 08:49:24 AM
Good news everyone!

I figured I'd release the level editor in it's current form, note that I'm not finished coding most enemies, and I'm recycling a lot of the code, so some enemy object behavior can be wonky, enemy projectile collision detection is still handeled quite lazily too, and there are a few quirks in the platforming physics that I'm trying to stamp out, other than that if there are game breaking bugs, I'd like to hear about them.


You can change the controls in the File -> Player Menu.

Default Controls:

Space: Jump
Crtl: Wind Bullet

It would great if we found someplace to upload user created levels, as much fun as it is to see the levels you guys have made, I would rather not see this thread filled with them, it would be great if I could give a link to a directory where people upload their levels on the first post of the thread, anyone know a good place to use?
Let users export their levels as text. (base64) Then you can open another topic for people to post their levels. (or we can open a category for you, if admins are okay with it.)

Also, I own klonoa.org and I can open a subdomain for you, If you need it.  ;D
Hey, I already made a Fangame Custom Levels thread, Also, putting it in Klonoa Fangame board has no flaws.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 25, 2014, 05:41:22 PM
Alright, new version is up, I really hope I didn't break anything, some effects are still placeholder things, but now everything works quite well, except Boomie that has no A.I., but then again you can use him to blow up walls, I still need to apply some fixes,  like the fact that that you don't have throwing animation when jumping from a balloon, but meh it has a new code routine so still got some small adjustments to make, but now I can start to work on my fangame, there will be a few minor patches as I'm going to polish the engine while working on the fangame before I'm giving the thing a major overhaul, and a slew of new features.


It took a while, but there were a few nasty bugs that could be used to sequence break certain levels, that I needed to fix, and was doing some research, honest:
Very Important Research (http://s16.postimg.org/azy6d0g0l/IMG_20141125_231927.jpg)
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 25, 2014, 06:06:37 PM
/me EXCITED!!   :D

No really I am xD I'm liking this a lot so far.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 25, 2014, 06:21:11 PM
I just noticed that I have to expand the level width, to take into account the vertical levels, oh well, atleast the loading process seems to work so eh.

Edit: Damn companion blocks are the bane of my existence, a new bug has popped up where they seemingly don't spawn, it seems that I have managed to solve some issues, but I'm still testing some stuff, I will post a fixed version when I'm confident that the bugs are gone.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 25, 2014, 07:07:47 PM
I'm still poking around at the moment so far on a vertical but I've had 2 odd glitches so far.
One where Klonoa himself disappeared entirely .
Another where the windbullet got disabled some how.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 25, 2014, 07:15:06 PM
Quote from: Daemyn on November 25, 2014, 07:07:47 PM
I'm still poking around at the moment so far on a vertical but I've had 2 odd glitches so far.
One where Klonoa himself disappeared entirely .
Another where the windbullet got disabled some how.

Would appriciate if you manage to replicate the situation, the wind bullet thing happens when his flag isn't reset when doing certain actions, I will try to look through the code to see if I can find code where I might have forgotten to put a flag reset.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 25, 2014, 07:47:37 PM
got Klonoa to dissappear again it has to do with floaties I'll make a video and upload that glitch test here in  few
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 25, 2014, 07:53:54 PM
Quote from: Daemyn on November 25, 2014, 07:47:37 PM
got Klonoa to dissappear again it has to do with floaties I'll make a video and upload that glitch test here in  few

I have noticed some really strange behaviour from them myself, seems that the script I wrote to prevent you to teleport through walls isn't working all that well, I will have to go over the code again and see where the mistake is, maybe I have to recode that function.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 25, 2014, 08:30:56 PM

the level below can cause the glitch if you jump from floatie to floatie
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on November 26, 2014, 08:13:04 AM
It's a bit shoddy fix, but I think I managed to get the glitch under control, also companion blocks should work better now.

KloEn v0.2.1
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 26, 2014, 01:06:53 PM
Ah.  I'll mess with it later today when I have more time to try to make levels.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on November 28, 2014, 02:59:51 PM
blehh I've done something to my level that is making collision act all jacked up especially for boomies but it seems to affect other enemies too.

I think it may have been because I added about 20 companion blocks on the very last segment but removeing them didn't seem to fix it or it may have to do with the breakable blocks xD


I'll leave it here as a glitch test level for now x_x  :big_smile: Also it is a vertical level.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Graystripe2000 on November 28, 2014, 08:12:33 PM
Quote from: Daemyn on November 28, 2014, 02:59:51 PM
blehh I've done something to my level that is making collision act all jacked up especially for boomies but it seems to affect other enemies too.

I think it may have been because I added about 20 companion blocks on the very last segment but removeing them didn't seem to fix it or it may have to do with the breakable blocks xD


I'll leave it here as a glitch test level for now x_x  :big_smile: Also it is a vertical level.

Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on December 01, 2014, 02:41:45 AM
Quote from: Daemyn on November 28, 2014, 02:59:51 PM
blehh I've done something to my level that is making collision act all jacked up especially for boomies but it seems to affect other enemies too.

I think it may have been because I added about 20 companion blocks on the very last segment but removeing them didn't seem to fix it or it may have to do with the breakable blocks xD


I'll leave it here as a glitch test level for now x_x  :big_smile: Also it is a vertical level.

Haven't done much coding in the weekend since I were out of town, I did encounter something similar while making levels for my fangame, thanks for the level, it will probably help me find out what is wrong, It probably hasn't anything to do with the breakable blocks (they are mostly like normal blocks, only difference is how they react to explosions), but yeah I'm working on it, It might be some old code interfering with new code, since I had to make a few big changes to the base code, when coding the boomies. It's probably just a oversight somewhere.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: the_darai on December 01, 2014, 02:52:33 AM
I really wished I'd have time to test out your engine and find some bugs for you, S.Z. As it is, I'm busy with my job, but once things settle down I'll hop right on this.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on December 01, 2014, 04:22:43 PM
The bug seems to be caused by some strange unpredictable code behaviour (As I have said before the tools I use can sometimes be a bit quirky.), luckily it seems that fixing it was not really hard though, I will have to run some more tests though, and do some cleaning, there is a bit too much redundant code at the moment.

Edit: Nope that wasn't the bug, I finally tracked down the line that causes the glitch (managed to make it trigger on a map with a single segment) and I'm working on a solution.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on December 02, 2014, 04:34:07 PM
The glitch should be gone now, found some other bugs that I managed to fix too, I hope I can work on getting my fangame out without encountering any more major hiccups.


Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on December 03, 2014, 01:17:57 AM
Falling seems to be broken in all vertical levels for me but I noticed it first when making this level

Edit: might not be a glitch but are the collision boxes gonna be too big for me to use floaties that way?
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on December 03, 2014, 02:56:27 AM
I got the the enemies exploding way to early when tossed glitch again like last time but it was probably caused by tacking this on to the end of the level  :embarassed:

I also keep forgetting to mention the X button on window fails to do anything so I have been using file>quit.


weird things did not start happening until I added the 8 flying moos and 18 dreamstones to that tunnel among the other moos in section 8.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on December 03, 2014, 07:46:53 AM
Quote from: Daemyn on December 03, 2014, 01:17:57 AM
Falling seems to be broken in all vertical levels for me but I noticed it first when making this level

Edit: might not be a glitch but are the collision boxes gonna be too big for me to use floaties that way?

Fall deaths are simply disabled, I just lazily disabled code in the engine, because otherwise you would just die when starting the level, the vertical level thing was just a crude feature that I added, by adding a few extra lines of code anyway.

There's a some code that is there to prevent you from grabbing a floatie and going through the wall, it might be testing a bit too big of a area, when checking that you aren't "cheating" though, I will have to tweak it a bit I guess.

Quote from: Daemyn on December 03, 2014, 02:56:27 AM
I got the the enemies exploding way to early when tossed glitch again like last time but it was probably caused by tacking this on to the end of the level  :embarassed:

I also keep forgetting to mention the X button on window fails to do anything so I have been using file>quit.

weird things did not start happening until I added the 8 flying moos and 18 dreamstones to that tunnel among the other moos in section 8.

So it seems that you can still cause the same glitch, I guess I still need to make a few changes then, I know how to do the same checks in a bit more processor intensive way, but it will make sure that the game does not lose track of whatever it's doing, or I might do the collsion checks in another way altogether, still your feedback is really valuable, as annoying as it is sometimes. XD

The X button is something I disabled because I had a really bad habit of clicking it when I wanted to go back to the level editor, when I was making levels, I eventually just disabled it because I was tired of losing levels due to my own negligence.

Edit: I didn't run into the same issue when playtesting the level, were the enemies close to a platform when "glitching out"? Because all I ran into was a poor hitbox alignment issue with the flying Moos when playing the level myself, however if you manage to glitch out a boomie, then I can be certain that something is up, if I can get a heads up on what exacly happens, and how to replicate the issue, it would make it alot easier for me to find these glitches, though if you aren't able to replicate it you can still describe what happened and what you were doing when it happened, and I will see what I can find.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on December 03, 2014, 11:33:42 AM
I can't seem to get the collision stuff to happen again either it may just be a rare sporadic thing after using the editor for a long while when making a level I had it open for a long time editing the level between doing other things.

I'll probably try to make a pretty weird test level to make sure of that later.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on December 04, 2014, 08:49:03 PM
Managed to make a temporary extension to my current tools that lets me do some advancedish tile editing, it's taking a bit longer than intended but atleast I'm getting closer to the point when I can retire the old level editor, and start making one that is more up for the task of creating proper levels, now I only need do the scripting part and I'm all set, though that part will probably go through several revisions before I make it public.

Also today I learned that the things I have been calling floaties, are actually called goomis (thanks to a sign I missed on my first playthrough of EoD), so yeah that will probably be changed when I release the new editor.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Voka~Daemyn on December 04, 2014, 08:51:34 PM
:oo yay I'mma let out 2 more levels for the old soon to be defunct editor but they are also just some more testing xD
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Cobra! on January 10, 2015, 08:04:14 PM
I'm usually not a fan of flash games... at all... but I was pleasantly surprised by this, this is really well done! :D The floating feels a little off, but apart from that, I think you've captured the the feel of the GBA games.  ;D

By the way, you might want to know that your moos don't respawn, meaning if you kill one by accident, you're screwed, and losing a life/dying will keep sending you back, and if you dies enough times in a row, you might end up back t the beginning. If you're still alive, still in these forums, and still working on this, than you might want to look into these.  ;)
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: S.Z. on January 11, 2015, 08:41:29 AM
Quote from: Cobra! on January 10, 2015, 08:04:14 PM
I'm usually not a fan of flash games... at all... but I was pleasantly surprised by this, this is really well done! :D The floating feels a little off, but apart from that, I think you've captured the the feel of the GBA games.  ;D

By the way, you might want to know that your moos don't respawn, meaning if you kill one by accident, you're screwed, and losing a life/dying will keep sending you back, and if you dies enough times in a row, you might end up back t the beginning. If you're still alive, still in these forums, and still working on this, than you might want to look into these.  ;)

Did you play the flash build or the newest .exe build, the flash build is rather old, and the floating is barely implemented in and there is no respawn in that version, the newer exe versions have respawn, and the other features are more complete, haven't compiled a .swf in a while, I'll probably showcase the next version of the flash build in the finished fangame I'm making.

Personal life, some other stuff and illness has been the reason I haven't been working on the engine lately, but I'll try to get around to resume work on it soon.
Title: Re: Klonoa Engine
Post by: Cobra! on January 11, 2015, 09:25:19 AM
I thought the .exe was just a level builder? Well, I'll try that out next time I'm on Windows. (I dual-boot with Linux, and mostly use Linux.)

EDIT: I've tried it, and it's brilliant!