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Let us celebrate the holidays!...with MOOS!

Started by Sable-Xeno, November 05, 2014, 10:47:02 AM

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Due to a dare started by Daemyn, And for Rup, I have decided to go along with a little thing that is catching on rather quickly: National Moo Day! For this one day, we must cast aside our normal outcroppings of Avatars, and celebrate what truly matters: MOOS! To participate, one must simply change their Avy to a Moo, for just a single day- changing one's name to something Moo-themed is optional, but reccommended (and cute).

Now then, let us begin the Moo festivities!...Moo.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).

✩♥Di Gi Charat♥✩

Click to enlarge!♥
[center][img width=83 height=100][/img][img][/img][img width=83 height=100][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1][img width=203 height=100][/img][hr][img][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1][i]☆キラキラ☆[/i][hr][color=#ff66c1]Please make yourself at home!♥ Cake and tea is always on the table~♪[/center][hr][color=#ff66c1][b][font=Kristen ITC]What would you like to do?[/font][/b][hr][color=#ff66c1]☆。・:*:・゜♡,。・:*:・゜☆。・:*:・゜♡[hr][color=#ff66c1]♪♫Click on the Doki♥Doki Radio for the background music!♪♫[url=][img][/img][/url]
[hr][color=#ff66c1]Click on the Twinkle☆Magic phone to talk to Di Gi!♥[url=;sa=send;u=101][img width=33 height=100][/img][/url][hr][color=#ff66c1]Click on the Sweet❤Charm to leave Di Gi a message!♥[url=;u=101][img][/img][/url][hr][color=#ff66c1][b][font=Kristen ITC]My Profile[/font][/b][img][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1]☆。・:*:・゜♡,。・:*:・゜☆。・:*:・゜♡[hr][color=#ff66c1]♥[b]Name:[/b] ✩♥Di Gi Charat♥✩[img][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1]♥[b]Roles:[/b] The Bunny Princess + Super Bunny Di Gi!!☆[img width=90 height=100][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1]♥[b]Color:[/b] All shades of pink!♥[img][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1]♥[b]Animal:[/b] Bunnies!!!♥♥♥[img][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1]♥[b]Fruit:[/b] Peaches!♥[img][/img]
[hr][color=#ff66c1]♥[b]Style:[/b] Girly!♥ [img][/img][hr][color=#ff66c1]♥[b]Believes:[/b] In the power of Love♥[img][/img][hr][center][img][/img][hr][img width=196 height=100][/img][hr][img width=176 height=100][/img][img width=176 height=100][/img][img width=176 height=100][/img][hr][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
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I made a list of Moo emocutions for my Dare.

See my sig for preview. Click here for all the moos and the forum codes.


She/her pronouns, please
  Discord: Timer & Balan#0514




Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


    (\     /)
○(⊙w⊙)○ ムムムゥ♪
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Before this day is over, I shall personally congratulate every member whom formally participated:

@Moderator Moo (Rupurudu!)
@Sable-Moo (Sable-Xeno) ←Sable the "Lucario" also participated...technically.
@Daemyn-Moo (Daemyn)
@✩♥Di Gi Moo♥✩ (✩♥Di Gi Charat♥✩)
@Slowy McSlowerMoo (ALOIYD)
@TimertheMoo (TimertheBunneh)
@Cymoo Gregar (Cybeast Gregar)
@A Wild Moo (CalmSerenity)
@ThatMoo70 (ThatGuy70)
@draMoo (dragee)
@Vincentmrl (Vincentmrl)

Thank you for participating, and have a Happy Mooyear!

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).