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Games that you like that nobody else does.

Started by Akagitsune Yukimura, November 24, 2014, 06:28:17 PM

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Akagitsune Yukimura

 :unsure: I'm not sure if there is already a topic on this, but I thought it would be a good idea to bring up.

Whether critics bash them or gamers despise them, there are games that nobody likes at all. Of course, there are those games that make you feel as if you're the only person who likes them. The games that everyone you talk to claims they're complete garbage but you feel are at least decent to pick up.

So, that's what I want to discuss. What are some games that you like but no one else does?

Everyone is open to their opinions and we all have the right to say them. Getting angry at someone over what they do and don't like is incredibly immature and stupid. Please be respectful to each other.  ;D

(Please list the game or games you like, why you like them and why no one else does)

I never understood why people hated Super Paper Mario.

I thought the story was wonderful, the gameplay is fun, and was an overall great game. But nobody else seems to agree.


I used to think no one liked Klonoa games but then I found this website xD.

Hmm I liked Jersey Devil for ps1 but that game is somewhat forgotten by the world :c

Same for einhander but to a lesser degree it's real expensive on ebay though.

hmm can't think of many others right now.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I feel like the Golden Compass game needs more love... It had great graphics for 2007 and creative gameplay in the Lyra sections of the game. The game even rewards you in some instances for being brave and risky, and in other instances for playing it safe, which I loved. I get why it wasn't very popular, because the movie had so much controversy regarding religion, but I feel like more people should have given the game a chance... Oh well. It's like $0.01-$0.03 on Amazon due to its unpopularity, so if anyone's interested you can head there...

I also like Sonic, which obviously already has a strong bias against it for having a few bad games (and hell they were TERRIBLY bad when they were bad, but when they did it right they really did it right, too.) and a lot of immature fans. But what can I say? I grew up with it and the fast-paced more rhythm-based gameplay was a lot more enjoyable to me than Mario ever was (it's part of the reason I love the Rayman games so much but since they're already popular they need not be on this list)

And I kind of feel like any movie-licensed game would be on this list because people seem to automatically assume they're bad...? But there are a lot of gems in that category...

✩♥Di Gi Charat♥✩

Quote from: Artsy on November 24, 2014, 07:44:32 PM
I also like Sonic, which obviously already has a strong bias against it for having a few bad games (and hell they were TERRIBLY bad when they were bad, but when they did it right they really did it right, too.) and a lot of immature fans. But what can I say? I grew up with it and the fast-paced more rhythm-based gameplay was a lot more enjoyable to me than Mario ever was (it's part of the reason I love the Rayman games so much but since they're already popular they need not be on this list)


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People disliked Far Cry 2 because of features that made the game more immersive, but that's why I loved it so much. Weapons would degrade and jam overtime, and your character was fighting malaria, and had to find medicine to treat it (all while fighting in an African civil war).

Starfox Adventures is another. Most people already know why it's disliked so I won't bother explaining.

Those are the only ones I can think of, but I'll edit this if more come to mind.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl... the kind of treatment that so many so-called "hardcore" players give it just baffles me. You wouldn't believe the amount of flack I get for simply saying that I like Brawl more than Melee, much less when I consider it my favorite game of all time. Honestly, all of it has made me bitter about the series in general, and I can no longer enjoy the other games without feeling ashamed for being associated with the Smash Bros community  :(

Aside from that, there's a lot of other games that I find to be woefully underrated:

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
New Super Mario Bros
(Wii and U in particular)
Super Paper Mario
Halo 4
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Power Stone 2

And of course, Klonoa!  ;)
It a me


Quote from: AlphaRed9X on November 25, 2014, 12:28:31 AM

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

You've honestly haven't seen the Zelda fanbase then. Cause they freakin' love their TP so much it gets annoying actually.

As for games that I like that not a lot of others do... Battle Network maybe.
Sable is AWESOME.


Quote from: Rainoa on November 25, 2014, 05:37:09 AM
Quote from: AlphaRed9X on November 25, 2014, 12:28:31 AM

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

You've honestly haven't seen the Zelda fanbase then. Cause they freakin' love their TP so much it gets annoying actually.

As for games that I like that not a lot of others do... Battle Network maybe.

Sorta yes, sorta no. It's actually a bit of a mixed bag, really. I believe one person called it the "Zelda Cycle"- A Zelda game is hyped up until released, then the game comes out, everyone loves t out of hype alone, and then once the hype dies down, people begin to find complaints about it. In TP's case, people seem to complain that it's too similair to OOT, and in SS's case, well...there's a LOT of hand-holding- there's about an 85% chance that you'll get annoyed rather quickly by Fi's constant stating that you're low on hearts. (I think in Wind Waker's case, though, it's the OPPOSITE- People hated the art style, then after a few years, they love it for what it truly is, the only possibly valid complaint being...ahem, "too much water". Majora's Mask has also become suddenly much more popular ever since last year, too, so there's that. But this isn'a a debate topic about The Legend of Zelda, so...

...If I had to say one such game...for me, that's be CHameleon Twist. Not because it's popularly seen as bad, but...more because there's hardly anyone who's aware it even EXISTS.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Sonic Boom : Rise of Lyric (worth it)
Sonic 2006 (i hope i had this game)
Super Smash Bros Brawl (weell, I started not playing this game alot like before, because SSB4 is way too epic)
and KLONOA of course.

Spirit Macardi

Metroid: Other M... My lord is that game misunderstood!

No, it didn't change Samus' personality (she's been that way ever since the canon manga), her being freaked out by Ridley made perfect sense (he was killed in Super Metroid), and while I'll agree that some of the vocal performances were suspect it wasn't a deal breaker for me.