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The 52 game challenge

Started by Graystripe2000, May 05, 2016, 08:31:00 AM

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Got my this idea from SSMB. It's a challenge where you have to complete 52 games in a year.
Here are the rules:
1. You CANNOT comeplete a game you started, let's say, last year. You HAVE TO START FROM A NEW SAVE FILE.
2. Games completed before the challenge don't count.
3. You MUST post proof that you completed the game (a screenshot of the credits, for example).
4. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO FOR 100%. You only have to comeplete the main story.
Good luck and have fun.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


シ If only I had enough time and a very very large steam wallet.
as far as old games I could do this between N64 PS1 PS2 Gamecube & Wii systems maayybe  :sick: . but then I've already played a lot of these xD.

Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I'd be flabergasted to hear anybody being able to complete this challenge. Of all the games I own...the ones that I would consider playing again amount to far less than 52. Imo 52 is a really big number and I don't even believe I've completed more than 10 games within one year. A good chunk of the games I spend my time playing don't even have a campaign or they require hours and hours such as an mmo. I know every version of mario kart can be completed in an hour or so but I honestly can't imagine going through a stack of 52 games no matter how lengthy they are


In theory, I COULD complete this challenge.  However, my means of capturing game play footage is VERY limited. :sad_face:

To be perfectly honest, I would most likely lose interest long before the one year time limit expired.  For now, I'll consider taking the 52 game challenge.


I have no means of effectively capturing my gameplay footage, but what are we limited to game wise?
I could plow through SOME SNES games, maybe some N64, but I'd lose interest while doing the challenge since I'd get burnt out easily. I know I have way more than 52 games, heck I have 60 GAMECUBE games alone! at least. But still, I don't know if I can effectively do this challenge...
As for racing games, what would you consider complete (or beat) in the case of Mario Kart? I know Diddy Kong Racing actually has a story mode, but would you consider that completed/beaten after beating Adventure One or would I have to do Adventure Two as well?


I know I'm pretty late but if you don't mind, seeing as we're approaching the end of the year, challenge accepted. I'll start on January 1st to make it fit just right.


So for the sake of showing that I really am doing this, I'm gonna post pictures of games that I beat for this challenge in batches of 8. And so here are the first 8. And yes, I took the pictures with my phone and yes, I know, the quality could be better. Quick question: do fan games/remakes count?

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Derpy Hooves

Guess what... You're a Cutie


Here's batch number 2. Expect these to take longer to come out since my classes are starting in the upcoming month.

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Finally! Here's number 3. Might want to step away from RPGs.
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