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Effective Language Learning App

Started by Thorp, May 30, 2016, 11:37:36 PM

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I recommend Memrise as an app to learn a new language. I've been telling myself to learn Japanese for a long time. What held me back the most was lack of direction and lack of sense of available time.

I came across Memrise and it is a free app that has a lot of available languages. I browsed around a few other language modules and not all have had as much development attention. Many language modules have spelling, and listening skills. Check it out and be surprised how easy the app works. I doubt the app will make someone fluent in a language but it will teach vocab and it may teach grammar but I haven't gotten that far into my current module list.



I've yet to test it because right now I'm doing kanji  x_x x_x x_x but there is a new tae kim grammer course that is not as bugged as mine if you want to try it.

Yeah I turned memrise into a time passing hobby as of late.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

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I skip over and ignore the kanji portion. There is absolutely no way I'm going to be proficient enough in kanji to read a book thus I don't waste my time. Kanji is a monster; symbols make one sound but when adjacent to specific kanji they make a whole new sound... forget it. Furthermore I hear newspapers normally can not be read with accuracy until the age of 16 because that's how long it takes to learn enough of the kanji variables to read. I'm not going to waste my time with kanji

Ghalidus (Gali +Ghadius)

Do or don't; there's no try.


To do what I want. I don't have much choice but to learn at least some of the most important sets of kanji. I expect a year or more to get where I want to be at.
* Vokadae slowly grinds letters and words in a blender
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

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Ah, MemRise!

What a dainty little app with a little bit of everything for day to day learning! :embarrassed:
I know a lot of people that can testify to memrise - it's quite good for a free community-run language app. The kanji can get a bit touch and go at times though...

Just a tip: I've found it easier to learn those characters as separate entities entirely (and what they represent), and for the radicals that they are comprised of.
Some symbols are definitely more used than others, so that helps, i guess.

Good luck with the studies!