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Klonoa DtP Wii model and animation extraction.

Started by Voka~Daemyn, March 09, 2015, 08:54:15 PM

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Over the course of the next month though probably much less time than that. I'm going to be extracting models textures and attempting to get animations as well from the wii make extracted into something usable for people to potentially use.

So far I've done bosses and I'll get around to others in time. Probably try to do enemies next.
some of the animations are in the .anim format. the rest are probably wii specific sorry. From what little I know .anim is a maya format of some sort
The models are in .dae format and I got as many textures as I could with them and their original names

Edit: I added a brres viewer export since it does it differntly albeit more automated and I worried it missed things. these are in .PSA and .PSK

All of the links died / mega removed them but I reuploaded them all

Bosses (updated)
b00 RangoLongo
b01 Evil Seadolph
b02 Evil Pamela
b03 Gelg Bolm
b04 Baladium
b05 Joka (Boss)
b06 Joka (Turtle)
b07 Ghadius
b11 Nahatomb (1)
b12 Nahatomb (2)
b13 Nahatomb (3)
BOSSES(2) 3-16-2015.rar 11.8 MB!ilIXjQZQ!m0BFXaLbNAcLlolV82rnxzdVeMAl-Ct6V5zN40GK_1c

Klonoa DtP Wii Bosses Via BRRES Viewer.rar 8.8 MB!2loXEDAK!1W4S23i9NZz8cYw4ACEWSYuFTvb8v0w0coZnF0tLu7E

e00 Moo
e01 Giant Moo
e02 Shield Moo
e03 GIant Shield Moo
e04 Spear Moo
e05 Armored Moo
e06 Giant Armored Moo
e07 Armored Moo (Gold)
e08 Giant Armored Moo (Gold)
e09 Death Moo
e10 Armored Death Moo
e11 Spring-Hoppin Moo
e12 Flying Moo
e13 Eclipse
e14 Giant Eclipse
e15 Pilot Moo
e16 Moo Drum
e17 Large Mace Ball-Spike Ball
e18 Spiker
e19 Dabby (Land)
e20 Dabby (Air)
e21 Fifi (Green)
e22 Fifi (Pink)
e23 Sky Eclipse (Violet)
e24 Sky Eclipse (Cyan)
e25 Spinner
e26 Giant Spinner
e27 Boomie
e28 Teepa
e29 Glibz
e30 Plowm
e31 Burnie
e32 Zagard
e33 Algore
e34 Smork
e35 Teton
e36 Zippoe
e37 Boin
e38 Mewmew
e39 Summy
e40 Shellie
e41 Monkey Moo
e42 Hornamoo-Slazza
e43 Non Armored Blue Moo
e44 Another Non Armored Blue Moo
ENEMIES(3) 3-16-2015.rar 12.2 MB!zhhREIZa!NZha69EVfxTDicm5mIr-Z2dStQ37K-IFvIwICn4rZ2c

Klonoa Wii DtP Enemies via BRRES viewer.rar 3.1 MB!SxxiAKxR!P4fOxaaAE4NwvOmI7x8OlrUq98x8lJRbLYA1QG81cGY

Enemy Components
c00~c01 does not exist
c02 Sheild Moo's Shield
c03 Shield Moo's Shield (Giant)
c04 Spear Moo's Spike Shield
c05 Armored Moo's Armor (Right)
c06 Armored Moo's Armor (Right) (Giant)
c07 Gold Armored Moo's Armor (Right)
c08 Gold Armored Moo's Armor (Right) (Giant)
c09~c10 Not even a Moo (nothing)
c11 Spring Moo's Spring
c12~c18 Ghadius's mystery book stash!Also no files exist here
c19 Spike ball from MewMew and Summy
c20~24 Joka's Manga Collection Errm I mean no files here
c25 Spinner Armor Quarter
c26 Spinner Armor Quarter
c27~c41 Everything Huepow didn't tell us!(no files here)
c42 Hornamoo's sickle
c43~c54 Moo secrets! (no files)
c55 Armored Moo's Armor (Left)
c56 Armored Moo's Armor (Left) (Giant)
c57 Gold Armored Moo's Armor (Left)
c58 Gold Armored Moo's Armor (left) (Giant)

ENEMY COMPONENTS(1) 3-23-2015.rar 833 KB!XxYVAbTJ!MBogDkA_0LKqreIPXE8XRQOW97aYa26wn9gPlayAWpk

Enemy components via BRRES Viewer.rar 42 KB!PsIQEApT!dP8_SdkKWezVT86Ql5owKOUwkaKAWXX7mdHmlq0VRkc

h00 (unknown nothingness object)
i00 Breezegale Villager
i01 Forlock Villager
i02 Jugpot Soldier
i03 (Unknown) (references to e10 and d10)
i04 Royal Soldier
i05 (nothing literally nothing)
i06 Dreamstones
i07 Large -other- Dreamstones
i08 Moon Key
i09 Life Heart
i10 Large Life Heart
i11 Gold Life Coin
i12 Memory clock
i13 Mirror Fairy
i14 Nagapoko Egg
i15~i16 does not exist
i17 Breezegale Symbol
i18 Forlock Symbol
i19 Jugpot Symbol
i20 Coronia Symbol
i21 Moon Kingdom Symbol
i22 Silver Life Coin
i23~i29 nope nothing no files exist in the folder
i30 Moo Hexagon Coin
i31 Boin Hexagon Coin
i32 Spinner Hexagon Coin
i33 Fifi Hexagon Coin
i34 Tegon Hexagon Coin
i35 Mew Mew Hexagon Coin
i36 Summy Hexagon Coin
i37 Dabby (Land) Hexagon Coin
i38 Glibz Hexagon Coin
i39 Zippoe Hexagon Coin
i40 Plowm Hexagon Coin
i41 Flying Moo Hexagon Coin

OBJECTS(2) 3-20-2015.rar 1.5 MB!3pI3yAwR!g_WfIkB4iMyDy_vZNfOgxsoMEdQcJGWpRdPSpanCi4o

Objects Via BRRES VIEWER.rar 791 KB!atoBkSwS!ePXFmU7yjQ3ALC75D6hv9WUdreBmNVWsoiWWWHA437E

Player Characters
p00 Klonoa Regular Outfit
p01 Huepow
p02~p09 empty
p10 Klonoa Summer Outfit
p11 Klonoa Lunatea's Veil Outfit
p12 Klonoa Classic Outfit
p13 Klonoa Nightcap Outfit
p14-p20 I question this numbering order lots.. (no files)

PLAYER CHARACTERS(1) 3-23-2015.rar 12.7 MB!TowiibrC!QA9gfqiKveHNc7FGdLtEJ5WIkepMXZbN38tTN-f5QeQ

Player Characters Via BRRES viewer.rar 1.8 MB!mlh2XQQS!OqalhgELcBb-AuPBn3royUJIesNqxYGUmyU8k2oekOI

Levels  (this was not in my plan but it was added anyways)
Klonoa Wii make Levels & other(1) (4-7-2015).rar 84.7 MB!qlZAAbyZ!eUUiKjy6i3ZMDxsDNqKdGL8BpyLfecVVPWlqisgZUgs[/spoiler]
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Thank you a lot Vokadae, your work is extremely useful! Keep up the good job!


Added enemies updated bosses and added lists to the 2 sections
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Added i series Objects and it's respective somewhat senseless list
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Added enemy components and player characters.
I also got really bored while wondering why there are so many files missing in the series of numbered files
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Not entirely related but related enough to post here while I experiment around.
Not related enough to be put in my wiimake experiments thread.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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I was not planning to do this but I'm slowly adding some level areas as well.

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Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Voka~Daemyn removed every single one of my old links so here is all the 3d models I had uploaded. sorry it is one massive zip

No eta on anything else I uploaded. I'll just fix these threads when I can both find the files and if someone needs them.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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Is there a way I can get the animation files (.anim) to be converted to .fbx format? I want to be able to use the animations in Unreal Engine without having to remake them all.
You know I had to wahoo it to em


I believe I had tried to convert them to fbx using a plug in for 3ds studio max long ago but I don't remember it being successful :(
aside from that I remember trying to use brresviewer and brawlbox as well to attempt to export the models into anything useful or convertible.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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