News: No one knows what Rupurudu! really does. It is said he lives in the internet, eating code to keep the server running.

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Started by Sable-Xeno, June 29, 2014, 04:55:08 PM

0 Members and 5 Guests are viewing this topic.


  :O HELLO! I'm new here...Well, not really. In truth, I've been browsing around here for a couple of weeks, and just now decided to join. Formalities out of the way, I'm Sable-Xeno, though I'm probably more well-known on Miiverse as "Maxx"- I believe I've already made the aquaintence of Darai, Spirit, and Garuu? Anyway, for those who haven't yet known of me, I LOVE Klonoa (Well, of course I do; why else would I be posting here?), Pokemon, Scribblenauts, Kirby, Smash Bros., Tomodachi Life, and WAAAAY too many other franchises to list. I also enjoy drawing, as examplified by my various Miiverse posts, and the above profile icon. (why a white lucario, you ask? {Sable:"Oh boy! I guess this is the perfect opportunity to introduce myself! I am Sable, from 34 years in the fu- x_x} okay, that's enough out of you. Now where was I? oh, right) Anyway, I'l be glad to meet and greet you all! ;)

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


Welcome, Sable! :3 We hope you enjoy yourself here~
Administrator, Founder, and Fan of Klonoa.
Game channel -


Welcome to the forums.
Discord: Graystripe2000 #6860.


Ah Maxx! Cool! I'm excited to have you here! Welcome to the forums!  :O


Hey there, and welcome! I think I've actually seen some of your posts on Miiverse before.

Scroptels Gluzar


I would like to do something on miiverse, I'm Shoru there.


Quote from: Scroptels GL on June 29, 2014, 07:20:15 PM

I would like to do something on miiverse, I'm Shoru there.
You should! Hope to see posts from you!


Welcome to the forums! I hope you have a good time here!
Klonoa: Empire of Dreams World 1 Any%: 7:19.8


Welcome to the forums. :D



Welcome to the forums!