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Cat Thread

Started by kittenwatermemes, May 19, 2024, 04:50:05 PM

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Hi all! I have plenty of cats, and I think making a thread of each cat is a good idea, so I've made this thread showing all of them (Hopefully idle chatter is the right place for this)   
No I did not name any of them so don't blame me for some of the names  :embarassed:   
We have around 16 cats so this may be a long thread, if that's okay 

Starting with Sarah! She's currently our oldest one. And I believe we got her because I remember seeing we saw this cat somewhere (I believe back in 2017?) and we watched the owner abandoning her so we took her home and we had her ever since. Mom was wanting to name her Sahara after the desert, but I couldn't say the word very well, so it ended up being Sarah. The second photo shown here is from 2019

Mama Kitty!

Yes, really. Her name is Stupid. Well, we wanted to call her something else (don't remember what it was), but she would never respond to it. 
We yelled "Stupid cat" and she responded to it, so that's how she got her name

Miracle! He can be hateful sometimes. He also really hates Vader (which he is the father of Vader) Second photo is from 2019

Vader! You can probably guess where his name came from

Fuzzy! He was fuzzy as a kitten. He's not even fuzzy anymore. Oh, and I think he also hates Children  :embarassed:  Second photo is from 2019, other cat is named "Asian".

(Please don't get mad at me, I was not the one who named her that. I apologize for it) 
Photos are from 2019, and 2022

Grumpy! He was on his death bed as a kitten, and we had to take him to vets and all, and then eventually he had to get a blood transfusion done. So he was sent to a vet to keep him alive long enough for it, and then was sent to the other vet for his blood transfusion. And ever since he's had that, he's been in good health. Yep, the blood transfusion was the thing that saved him. And yeah you can probably imagine how expensive the vet appointments was
First photo is from 2020

Snuggle Bunny

Five (& Maze)

Angel (photo is from 2022)


Sweet & Sour

Gray. I think it's obvious where his name came from  (second photo is 2020)

Triplet (don't have much good photos of her)

And now, a bonus photo from May 26, 2019


Also, I want to shout-out this old recording I have from 2017, which involves cats including Sarah
The reasoning of why I'm sharing this video I recorded as a child? One of the cats in it is "Magic", a cat we used to have that passed away in 2019
The recording isn't that good (again, I was a child), and I cannot tell if Magic and Sarah was playing here, or what.
But yeah, I think I should be glad I have footage of a cat we used to have

And yeah I think that shall be it for the Cat thread!  :big_smile: 

rapappa the pepper

Have you ever had all of your cats around / on top of you at once before?  :embarassed:
Is this a forum they forgot, or has the forum forgot them?
Hello, i'm i guess a general artist, 3D modeller, 2D traditional illustrator, and some times make music. You can know more about me at my Neo Cities:

If you want me to work on a project of yours, please contact me!


Quote from: rapappa the pepper on May 19, 2024, 05:01:14 PM
Have you ever had all of your cats around / on top of you at once before?  :embarassed:
Probably not all of them at once, but there are some that'll lay on top of me, or around me
including right in my face
Grumpy does snuggle with me sometimes 
But there's been moments where we've had plenty of cats laying on us / around us sound asleep


You weren't kidding when you said you have this many.  :big_smile:

They all look very cute :3 I wish I had that many cats sometimes, but the maintainance and cleanup would kill me. XD


Quote from: Rupurudu! on May 19, 2024, 06:19:27 PM
You weren't kidding when you said you have this many.  :big_smile:

They all look very cute :3 I wish I had that many cats sometimes, but the maintainance and cleanup would kill me. XD
Yeah, they're pretty cute!
You could probably what it's like to live with 16 cats ...and 2 dogs (one of which only comes in our home every now and then)
It can be a little challenge


Wahoo! Thanks for sharing, these guys seem very awesome! :O


Quote from: Batterykitten8 on May 21, 2024, 02:00:51 AM
Wahoo! Thanks for sharing, these guys seem very awesome! :O
No problem!  ;)
And they are indeed awesome


I have some more cat photos to share today  ;)   

And here's this one from Feb. 25th


I think it's finally time to introduce a new member of the Cat family

Say hello to this baby kitten (possibly named Lucky)!

My mom found it in a dumpster on June 4, and took it home with her

It went to the vet Friday, and was given some medicine and was declared as Healthy

He has gotten very active, and is doing well


Oh, I forgot this thread existed! :O

Here's my cat. His name is Piccolo. He's a sweet but clingy cat, and has really bad separation anxiety, but I love him. :big_smile: