Quote from: rapappa the pepper on July 17, 2024, 11:22:11 AM
There is one room in Snakeman's stage where the snakes always get me first, but... That's probably just because that's a stage better left for later, whereas i usually start with Needleman's stage, sooo...
(oh yeah and Mega Man 3 is my favorite one in the NES series)
How much harder do you think would the first Touhou game be? I unironically thought that one was the hardest, the hit box is bigger, can only move sideways, can't just hold fire and wait for things to be gone, and instead, is a tad more strategic. Most stages are easy, but the boss fights are huge difficulty learning curves.
maybe seems a bit counterintuitive, but snakeman is the 1st fukker you go after. if it is the room w/ the 3 snakeheads, then you want to jump immediately. there's a bit of a delay in mega man 3's inputs so you have to be aware of tHat at all times. once you get a feel for it, despite the occasional unfair loss of a run, it gets to be pretty doable until you face doc quick. he's going to kill an insane number of runs, but if you practice him long enough, you can semi-consistently win if you make sure to hit him close range w/ the gemini laser so it doesn't bounce everywhere and extend the fight long enOugh for some rng nonsense.
not sure which mega man game on nes is my favorite. if i were to pick, i'd probably gO w/ 5, but i like 3 a lot. ^^
i've actually only ever played the 8th touhou game in depth. i've checked out some of the other 1s, and i wanna do an LNN clear of legacy of lunatic kingdom for the next touhou game i plan to ***** slap.
but yeah, i learned touhou 8: imperishable night LNN w/o playing any of the other games 1st. i still haven't played the pcb 1s. so, i can't really give an opinion abOut 1st game. ._.
i started off as a touhou n00b 'n then just went frOm ground 0 all the way to an LNN in 15 months.
Quote from: kittenwatermemes on July 17, 2024, 03:47:30 PM
Oh wow. So it took a month to do this
I suppose it takes a while to learn the strategies of the boss battles, alongside with the more difficult levels
Yeah! It is a charming game
yeah, took a cOuple of weeks of practice and then a couple of weeks to lAnd the run. the strats for joka were probably the hArdest, especially the heavy reflex way i was goin' abOut it due to all the shmup experience. i spent a lot of time learning hitbox detections on the moos when joka turns into his plesiosaurus fOrm. a lot of the rest is just shmup reflexes and timing. balneor has a way to deal w/ tHat fight tHat makes more sense in his no damage clear. he gets the box behind him after getting the 1 in front, which he then steps on the 1 in front again. makes for a quicker way to deal w/ him. also, since you have only so many hits already tHat you can take, a lot of the game can be played w/ this approach in mind, as unlike mega man 3 or somethin' w/ doc quick, everything is designed w/ the idea of successfully avoiding it.
Quote from: kittenwatermemes on July 17, 2024, 03:47:30 PM
Yooo what's up!
sUp sOn not much \m/