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Miiverse Posting

Started by Spirit Macardi, September 09, 2013, 03:01:40 PM

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Spirit Macardi

Not sure how many are aware, but Miiverse is a game-specific messaging system on Wii U (and soon 3DS apparently) where you can post messages and pictures on communities designed for all available games. This system has also proven effective for giving customers a way to tell publishers what content they want, as Earthbound was released to the American Virtual Console and Mighty Switch Force 2 is getting a Wii U port all because of fans making their voices heard.

I realize not many own a Wii U at this time, but I would suggest that all who do join me in raising some awareness on it for our little Dream Traveler. I'd suggest posting to the Tekken community, as it's the most populated of the communities for Namco's games and hence the most likely to be viewed by Namco themselves. If/when the 3DS version of the service launches the same can be done there as well.

I'm not suggesting this as an alternative to the petition or anything else, rather as something that can be done in-addition to them. I also completely understand that many will have to either wait before they can take part in this or just won't be able to, but if doing this can help the series in any way then I think it's worth trying.


If I get a 3ds, I WILL do this too. I only hope a 3dsXL comes out with Monster Hunter 4 So I get the console


I heard Miiverse was eventually coming to 3DS, just not sure when. I just know it would be nice when I can finally use Nintendo ID instead of Friend Codes and be able to tie the games i bought into it instead of based on the hardware. But I'm off tangent right now.

Anyway, this is a good idea, might also help to get some support from the Solatorobo fans as well (most of them like/love Klonoa too) and any other franchises as well.


Once I get a Wii U, that will be the first thing I do :)
It a me


Once it comes on 3ds I'll join!  :D

Spirit Macardi

Miiverse is now on 3DS! Even though there's no Namco games for 3DS available to post on currently, there is an option to access the communities for Wii U games on it.

Now then, let's show Namco we mean business >:3


I'll be sure to do some drawings for the Smash bros Community asking for Klonoa. =)

Spirit Macardi

Not sure if the Smash Community is the best choice. It's pretty much become the 4chan of Miiverse instead of an actual place to talk about the series and express your legitimate hopes for certain new characters (most character requests now are for anyone from Goku to the Slender Man...)


Yeah.. I see what you mean.. well there are other ways to spread Klonoa awareness so I'll just do that.


Ah, you guys already started a post about Miiverse, just as I did afterward. No matter, I posted on Miiverse, drawing some Klonoa. Maybe there aren't a lot of Wii U owners, but there's lots of 3DS owners. So draw Klonoa! The more images of him about SSB, the more people will be aware.