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Icons Update!

Started by Vincentmrl, March 01, 2014, 12:39:52 PM

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Hey people, I updated all the icons so that they look better: I basically added rounded borders to all of them and fixed some that couldn't be used because they had the same emoticon text. I am also constantly adding new icons when I feel like they fit perfectly for something.

Anyways here's the changelog:


• Updated the icons with rounded borders so that they look better

• Fixed ;D (; D)having the same Emoticon code as ;) (; ))

• Added  :unsure: (: unsure :)

• Updated : ( with :( as  -_- is more fitting for "are you kidding me?"

• Changed :unsure: and :( 's sharpness as they were blurry compared to the other icons


They look pretty awesome. Thank you. ;D


These icons are awesome! Thank you so much for making them!  ^_^