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Weridest itch while playing Lunatea's Veil?

Started by BinaryPulsar, July 04, 2015, 09:11:41 PM

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well, they said to make unique topics
that combined with my weird brain are a deadly combination XD
anyway i thought of this last night when i had an itch that just wouldn't go away

what's the weirdest place you had an itch while playing Lunatea's Veil?

mine is on the side of my second toe :/

anyway, i can't wait to see how this topic plays out XD

Sable-Xeno might be hard to pinpoint the ODDEST itch I've ever had whilst playing Lunatea's Veil, but I think I may've had an itch on my head whilst playing the game once. Then again, my head is usually itchy, Either my head, or my eye, I guess.

Artwork drawn by Somnax (FA), 5th Gen Pokemon sprite bases made by Pokemon-Diamond (DA).


I dunno, I mean..I've never really committed my Klonoa Itches to memory.
I guess my nose itched really bad throughout the entire Bikarsh chase??


Every time I play Lunatea's Veil I'm itching for a new game.
