Okay, so I PROBABLY don't need to explain this for you guys, since I'm sure everyone and their mother knows about Katamari Damacy at this point, but it's basically a game where you roll around a big sticky ball and pick up lots pf junk to turn into a star. We good on explanations? Good.
Now, this topic is more in regards to the cousins in particular. You guys can discuss the Katamari games as you wish, they're very well worthy of discussion, but I was just curious of which cousins were the most popular, and such. Not to say this is a popularity contest, or a poll to decide which cousin should be the next fighter in Smash Bros, or at the very least an alt skin for the Prince. Okay, so it's sorta the former, but I am curious to the humble man's input.
Since there's just SOO many cousins (57, not including the Prince), I'll be letting you guys pick up to 5 of them, one for each mainline game...except Touch My Katamari. Since it, you know...didn't introduce new cousins. The little Prince will be on the poll, too, if that's your thing. What WON'T be on the poll, though, are the cousins introduced in Katamari Online, since voting for those might be the "hipster" thing to do, and not even half of them made it past the advertising stage, anyways. But if anyone feels really emotional over Mint or the like, I'll add them in.
I'll be providing a reference sheet/lis for your conveneince, that way you can tell who's who without having to be some sort of Katamarinerd, or something. With that settled...let the voting
COMMENCE!1: Foomin
2: Fujio
3: Kuro
4: Marcy
5: Jungle
6: Nik
7: Peso
8: Odeko
9: Shikao
10: Honey
11: Marny
12: Velvet
13: Nickel
14: Ace
15: Opeo
16: Colombo
17: Ichigo
18: Lalala
19: Havana
20: Johnson
21: June
22: Miso
23: Dipp
24: Twinkle
25: Nutsuo
26: Kinoko
27: L'Amour
28: Lucha
29: Odeon
30: Shy
31: Huey
32: Droolby
33: Beyond
34: Macho
35: Daisy
36: Miki
37: Can-Can
38: Slip
Signolo40: Hans
41: Norn
42: Nai-Nai
43: Kenta
44: Mu
45: Ban-Ban
46: Paula
47: Pokkle
48: Ryu
49: Kunihiro
50: Kyun
51: Mag
52: Harvest
53: Pu
54: Sherman
55: Princess
56: Dangle
57: Drive