You start playing an old game for the first time ever. It proceeds to take you back to the days when you were a kid...despite this particular game never being there for you in your childhood.
You ever have an experience like that? I know I do. And since I started the thread, I'll list some examples;
Madou Monogatari: Big Kindergarten Kids. This game never even saw an official American release, and I never played it until like last month or so. Yet it takes me back to the days I would play my Super NES anyways. The intro definitely plays a part in it, and I think the game deserves more attention. Far as I'm concerned, it's right up there with Chrono Trigger and EarthBound, yet it doesn't even get half the attention either of those get.
Great game. You should try it out sometime.
Also, I started playing Conker's Bad Fur Day. Takes me back tothe days I'd play the major N64 games, again, despite that this wasn't there for me until fairly recently.
And Puyo Pop Fever. Same deal, except with the Gamecube games.
See where I'm going with this? Yeah, these are the games that probably should have been childhood favorites, yet they weren't there until after said childhood had passed.
So, do you have any? If so, what's yours?