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Bootlegged video games

Started by Braixen, October 30, 2015, 11:49:22 AM

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Put any weird bootlegged video games you've seen here.
For example,

Which I find really funny for some reason.


Mario of course found mushroom before 80s interesting anyways.


This is actually a bootleg of the original Metal Slug 3. They just slapped the number 6 in it to make people believe that they're actually playing Metal Slug 6 but its not. In this version, you're character is kinda OP here since you start with a Thunder Cloud item and you turn into fat mode every time you pick up a weapon. You can also destroy any opposition within a sec due to the increased damaged of the weapons for some reason.

Akagitsune Yukimura

This is an actual game for the Famicom.


You want a weird bootleg? Try Mario 4: A Space Odyssey for Sega Genesis.

The entire game's in russian, and plays oddly due to a momentum mechanic that requires Mario to build up speed by moving in one direction for a while and a jumping mechanic that just kinda floats you up and then slams you back down.
I registered in 2015 as part of a roleplaying game and proceeded to never do anything of importance. Oops?



So, I stumbled upon this by chance...

Can't believe that I haven't tried this one yet.



Quote from: Mario123311 on January 23, 2016, 02:21:18 PM
Not sure if this technically counts but...

Those half-finished childhood OCs are back with a vengance

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