I would say I'm astonished but not really. The right boss can make or break a project.
I could see trouble coming, though. It just seemed like a generally bad idea to put so much into two series (Bravoman and Wonder Momo) when you're trying to find/test the market for 18-20. It's disappointing that series that could have been great didn't really stand a chance with that business model. Not just Klonoa. Dig Dug (which apparently there were plans for), Katamari (which is not quite dead yet), and Legend of the Valkyrie were also doing pretty well.
I would've liked to have seen something similar to CN's first run of Cartoon Cartoons where they allowed many different teams to pitch a pilot and then fans (and executives) voted for which ones were further developed into a web-series/game. 24 shorts were released for Bravoman and Mappy (Wonder Momo got a separate series). That could have easily covered all of the offerings.