ユメのかけら Fragment of a dream / Dream Fragment
クロノア Klonoa
ギャラリー Gallery
たてにもちかえてください (Switch to vertical please) There actually several ways I could re interpret it but more literally it's like "get close to vertical please"
This one is incomplete despite mostly knowing it's meaning from just playing the game.
ハコ means box but no idea after much searching as to what ハコモ is. The cloest I get is
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ハコモ かぜたまで ?Box? ?wind? まで could be any of these. [[until (a time); till; to; up to
to (a place); as far as
to (an extent); up to; so far as; even
only; merely]]
つかまえて Caught
なげられます to thow
2だんジャンプ 2 stage jump
にもつかえるよ。 can be used.

or to make it sane since I just grabbed an emu and checked my self.
Catch Box(Box Moo) with wind(Windbullet) and then throw/cast so that a double jump can be used.
And here is just the text as best as I can get it.
Sorry my translation is off I'm tired and having a hard time reading or making anything be organized right now

ハコモ かぜたまで"Yeah I'm sure I don't have this one right but I don't know any better right now"つ