I've played Mohon 3rd on the PSP. Never played with 4 people but 3 players gets pretty funny at times.
I play dual sword with full
jinouga set. My friends either used Longsword or Hammer and rarely bow, not exactly the most fun for me cuz I was always getting pushed over by their heavy swings. Eventually our trio connected battle-senses and instead of me being knocked over they would uppercut me with the hammer whenever they got the chance to hit the face of the monster and me...good stuff.
As a dual sword wielder I don't have many solo stories cuz I either destroy or get stepped on. Soloing rank 6 does not give much time to fool around either though the matches solo take 30+minutes
One hilarious story though my bro and his friend would plant G Bombs every chance the got. They managed to KO a monster with the hammer and they places 4 G bombs at its face. Of course my bro and I ran away and our friend swung at the bombs with his longsword...he died lol. We don't know why he died cuz we had done it a few times already and he had 1/4 health remaining but this time he died. Probably the fastest R6 monster kill too; we killed it before he returned to battle. G Bombs are no joke...lol.
Another instance with G Bombs. Our friend was pinned down by a
Rathian. And my bro placed as many bombs down as possible on top of our friend. LOL, our friend was like "wait wait, don't, I'm going to die!" while he was mashing his buttons to escape the pin. He almost died, hardly a centimeter of hp on his health bar.
And my bro and I were fighting a
Black Diablos...fk those things. We were fighting along the cliff edge of
Sandy Planes at #10. My bro with his hammer uppercutted the Diablos in the face but also inadvertently uppercutted me. I got launched into the loading screen to room #11 while the Diablos was KO'd...*nnnooo! my chance to demon dance on its face! ha ha ha...aw
*edit* I really hope Monster Hunter Online comes to NA...