I played around with the idea of doing a " Waking World " story.
Every idea that I had was more of an AU than how I thought it actually worked, though.
The Way I See It:
- Most Characters in the Dream World exist or did exist in the Waking World. Klonoa, Lolo, Popka, Joka, Garlen, Janga, Guntz, Huepow, Leorina, and anyone else who has appeared in at least two games actually exists.
- Most Locations mentioned in the Dream World exist in the Waking World. That includes Breezegale, Jugkettle, La-Rooska, Volk, The Moon Civilization, and so on.
- Heroes. Hunters, and Priestesses are real professions that exist in the Waking World. The title of Dream Traveler is also a title that exists. The Goddess Claire was someone who at one time lived.
- Klonoa has never met anyone he knows in the Dream World in the waking world.