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Which characters do you think deserves a more backstory/spinoff

Started by the_darai, September 15, 2016, 12:56:18 PM

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In both games, there's tons of characters, but we know very little of them. Some happen to be quite interesting. Which characters from your game do you think are deserving of some love?


Hmm, think I'll go for Anemon the Bandit from DCT :hey:

Her backstory would be interesting, being a desert bandit and all ;D


He isn't unique to Empire of Dreams, but I gotta say Huepow. We have an idea of who he is due to how he interacts with Klonoa and his title as a Prince, but other than that he has little to no story to him or fleshing out as a character. I want to know more about him, go in depth to such a mysterious character. What exactly are his powers? His limits? Etc...


Huepow is a liar and should not be trusted.

... oh gosh where did that come from?

I want some more with the Klonoa 2 Characters. I felt that Leorina's story ended in a bad place. She turned into a monster, got better, and then was promptly written out of the series. I'd like to see more of her. The series could use more recurring females.

Also Tat and King of Sorrow.

I wouldn't mind more of the Dream Champ Challengers. The problem with Anemon and Zweegle is that it's kind-of difficult to write for them because I don't think either's had any spoken lines. I tried to write the former into a fic but cut her because I wasn't satisfied with it. Might try again at some point in the future.


Quote from: Mobotropolis on September 15, 2016, 07:01:35 PM
Huepow is a liar and should not be trusted.

... oh gosh where did that from?

No, seriously, why does everyone take the hostile route with Huepow? He lied, I get it, but everyone treats him like a terrible person because of it, and he wasn't/isn't. He did it for the good of his kingdom and his world. He didn't even know Klonoa personally before DtP, and when he got to know him he cared about him enough to not want him to leave.

Actually, that's something I want in a Huepow backstory. Pre-DtP and DtP from his perspective. How his view on Klonoa changed from impersonal to someone he couldn't bring himself to let go of. Telling him the truth would not have been as hard as it was if he didn't care so much.


Definitely Suiryu.

I am interested in Zweegle but all I know from a random sign in a random vision about that poor vampire is he got anemic and had to forfeit early in the dream champ tournament. I almost wanna say sounds like a nice guy despite being a vampire and all that.
Klonoa DtP Playthrough :

[img width=267 height=150][/img]
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QuoteNo, seriously, why does everyone take the hostile route with Huepow?
I was half-joking.

I don't like Huepow, but I also don't think he's deliberately evil or anything like that. He's just the first and one in a series of people that Klonoa knew and trusted who manipulated him to get what they wanted. That kind of seems like a rite of passage for Klonoa's closest friends and nothing to take personally. Klonoa certainly doesn't being the good and forgiving person that he is.

Derpy Hooves

tbh most side characters i didn't really pay attention to. and i do think the main characters had enough content imo. but if i were to choose it would have to be pango mainly because we do hear about his backstory in heroes and get a lot on him but its still would make for interesting game tot focus on him
Guess what... You're a Cutie


You know what? I actually want to know more about the original Spirits of each kingdom in Phantomile. You know, the ones from the manual? Sure, there's not that much to work off of, but that's what makes it so interesting. And I guess a backstory for Ghadius, Joka, and King of Sorrow wouldn't hurt.


@Painty You know what, your idea for giving more backstory to Ghadius, Joka, and the other Spirits should've been in the Wii remake of Door to Phantomile. Would've added a lot to the story.

OMG that's so genius I'm already thinking of ideas for how that would play out.  :D