Now, let me be completely fair here and say I've yet to play the Wiimake of the game.
... However.
I can safely say that it lacks a lot of what made the original game great.
For starters, the cutscenes have lost all of the polish and charm that looked so shockingly gorgeous in the original game. It felt so underwhelming, so incredibly dull and bland... the original game was so shiny and clean in its cutscenes; surprisingly so for that of a PS1 game. The Wiimake just... it was just re-rendered using the graphics of the gameplay, rather than redesigning it by video making technology to give it more of a shine.
Secondly, Klonoa himself. Klonoa himself lost a lot of development that he should have gotten throughout the game for the sake of giving Huepow most of the dialogue. I don't care what explanation was used for this, this was a TERRIBLE choice. Klonoa is the main character; treat him like it. Also, the redesign.
Look, the design looks fine for a Klonoa game, but for a remake of the original Klonoa, where the boy was a CHILD, which made a lot of the moments in the game make more sense and made him more empathetic, it was disappointing to see him in a teenager role Sonic the Hedgehog would laugh at.
And dare I mention the voice acting?
Look, it's not a bad game by any means. It looks BEAUTIFUL in its levels, and I'm sure it plays great too. But... wow, what a letdown it looks to be. -_-