Hello everybody! This is your language challanged new friend Caos here. And I'm bringing you this fangame I made called Klonoa Star Kingdom that can be downloaded here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmhl9kjcxcywpyq/KlonoaStarKingdom.zip?dl=0Now this game is a litte diferent then other Klonoa games, in this game when you hit an enemy you get the Sun Paradgma that allows you to scorch lesser enemies and is your only weapon agaist bosses. If you want you can change it for the Moon Paradgma that allows you to double jump but this is a one-way street. Now with the trailer of the game:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yn6VLPMM1MI sugest you read the explanaition after the cutscene of the game (not the trailer) to understand the Paradigma System more before you play. As you may noticed this game has a little of a Megaman inspiration in it but not a lot (that means you can't take your enemy's weapon, sorry).
Just because this is a Klonoa dedicated forum I am gonna tell a secret to you: Before you play the game insert an audio CD in your PC for a surprise

Well I guess that is all that I had to say
Have a great day,