Hi, a few days-ago I wouldn't actually comment on this topic. But since I gave to myself the goal of a sub-2 min run, it all changed. For the better.
Bit of backstory first : When I was going for my first 100% of the game, after the extra was done I've told to myself to get a sub-3 min run, which I got easily. However, my run was not perfect at all.
Some time after, I decided to aim for a sub-2'30. This one was much harder to obtain, but I surprisingly managed to bring a much shorter time, than expected:
http://imgur.com/CIqIEU7(If you cannot reat it well, it displays a 2'18'66. Sorry, I don't really know how posting an image works here. Tried with imgur but shows a missing picture when previewing.)
So yea, that was pretty cool. For a moment. Until I saw runs such as Harutomo or others (I felt pretty powerless

) Okay, so it doesn't exactly means I played bad, just that I wasn't aware of those times-saves. He recently got a 1'51'13, and so it seems that with a lot of practice, you could be able to acquire a sub-2 min. And that's what I was going after...
Yesterday, I spent overall around 3 hours of training, run-comparisons over him (Let it be said I play on an Emulator, and I have a lot of free time), tricks and stuff. And oh boy I wasn't expecting to say what I will now...
But I'm definitely competing for the world record (I consider being Harutomo's, since there doesn't seem to be any others). I've done the math, and if I play right, it could even bring me to the godly sub-1'50. After play, Harutomo did a few mistakes which costed quite a bit of time (At least one second), which could be avoided. On top of that, some of his strats weren't executed the best. Finally, it happened that most of the time, I generally was faster than him.
So basically, this reply is just to preview my new record, eventual big one? At average I will just jump from a 2'18 to a 1'5X, which still is great. At worst I won't do anything

Recording works, but oh god it won't be pretty, so it could be fixed by adding images, or maybe other videos explaining my time in details.
I think my skill-level can allow me to make it. After all Harutomo may have put dozens and dozens of hours, so i'ts normal I do the same.
And final point : If I don't respond in over a week ago, you can consider me and this objective