I can't stand Sonic as a character, think he is a poor role model for children, and is probably one of the weakest characters in terms of development in his own franchise -- perhaps by design, but that is another discussion.I think it has to do with how you interpret the material, and which games you've played.
For example, I see nothing of how you usually describe Klonoa in Klonoa.
QuoteI never could see why he's THAT popular IMO.
It's okay not to like a character, you know.
I think that's part of the reason why most franchises have an ensemble of characters. You're supposed to find one you like and can relate to so you're interested in buying games and merchandise with them in it. You might not like Guntz but you do like Klonoa, Lolo, and Huepow. I don't like Huepow which is probably why I'm stalling on my
@Windbullet entries but I do like most of the other characters in the franchise.
I like Klonoa and Guntz the most -- separately and together. Even with other people.
I like the dynamic they have. Of the partners that Klonoa has had he seems to compliment Klonoa the most. Huepow is more of an " Advice Animal " trope and Lolo being in more of a supportive role. Guntz can hold his own in a battle without Klonoa and can provide support doing more than just enhancing his strength.
Outside of battle ... I actually like character dynamics where the characters do not get along all of the time. Huepow and Lolo are usually agreeable. Klonoa and Guntz argue and later banter; both of which I think are important to do in a healthy relationship.
I don't want to throw Huepow or Lolo under a bus, though. I've grown to like their characters even if I don't like the dynamic they have with Klonoa. Huepow's grown a bit on me as a possibly deeply-troubled individual who needs to come out of his shell more and I wish they'd do more with him.
Lolo's character development seemed to be going in a very positive direction before the series ended. I want to believe that Dream Traveler of Noctis Soul was going to fix what I thought was wrong with Lolo's character ... and that the movie may well resolve it. In my own writings I aimed to strengthen her character both physically and emotionally. If she's going to be the main female and probably love interest of this franchise she needs to shape up.
Peach took initiative eventually.
Guntz's character was also improving ... though I thought Dream Traveler of Noctis Sol was a bit of a misstep and seemed to be based more on his Dream Champ incarnation. Now that Guntz was able to move past losing his father and open up to people he needs to make meaningful relationships with others. He even seemed to be on his way to doing that in Namco x Capcom which canon is debatable (I say it's canon) by befriending some of the fellow gunners.